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Praising God through music.... Living in His love!

About Me

Thanks for visitng my space. I am a christian songwriter whose songs have a strong Jazz influence. I do write other genres of christian music, but I love Jazz so that 's my focus. I am inspirired to write through the knowledge and enriched relationship of my savior Yeshua (Jesus.) God is love, God is my peace, my joy, quite frankly He is my everything. Because He is my everything I share His character through song. Music is so powerful. Through music mindsets are enlightened, redirected, and afirmed. I want the music I write to encourage others to strive for a deeper relationship with our Father. Since you're here I hope you have time to listen to a few of my creations. If you hear something you like let me know, we all need encouragement. If you think you can use one of these songs in your own projects contcat me! I can only reach so many, but together we can reach so many more. Hope you enjoy your time in myspace. God Bless, RonSher
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Member Since: 8/28/2006
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Lifstyle influences are God, and family. Artistic influences Shirely Caesar, Dr. Mattie Moss-Clark, Richard Smallwood, Ben Tankard. I can't leave out Pattie LaBelle, Anita Baker, and the Yellow Jackets either.
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Sounds Like: .. -- CDBABY LINK for RONSHER T. BROOKS: Melodies From Heaven --
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Let Me Introduce the Singers!

I've been thinking. Unless you get your copy of the CD you'll never know who is singing. Although I do sing, I prefer to write. I believe my ministry is better served behind the scenes, so I ask othe...
Posted by RonSher T. Brooks on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 05:25:00 PST

     If you are out there searching for material to help you learn piano, check out this web site.  They have a lot of great material for beginners to accomplished pianis...
Posted by RonSher T. Brooks on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 06:25:00 PST