theEXPLODE - intro, rat trap, ment.... 24. DEC. 2006.
live clib by anymous. i don't know who make this. plz, don't ask us.
if you can listen korean. you can know this happend.
and, plz, show me your non violence, direct action.
- written by crowpunks, translator kurt666
The band called "The Explode" that is formed in March 2003 is the start anarcho punk band in Korea that supports many demonstrations against war and terror, fascism for the world peace.
Their first song called "Fight Back" says that all the punks should gather and get up to fight combat capitalism, organized systems and all other forces of evil. In the second song called "Where is freedom", they say that war has been all over the world already and people want to find freedom and all army things have to disband. The third song, called "Social Victim", says youth people violated by systems of fascists are just social victims and nobody wants it. Moreover the fourth songs called "Must keep our truth" tells us that we should keep the truth for the world that is infected with lies. In the fifth song called "Rat trap", they say that we should fight systems ourselves for freedom although we are lost ourselves in society-made trap. In addition, they say again strongly in the song called "S.T.S.K" the army is never right for peace and it makes people mad and there was *the accident of the army unit in Korea. (*a couple year ago, one private first class who had been mad by senior comrades shot them and they died). The Explode are making their new 7" EP album in D.I.Y records in Japan and they demonstrate against America-Korea Free Trade Agreement and the expansion of American unit in Pyeong-tak. The Explode are chan-thug(vox), pogo88shit(gt), crowpunks(gt), wonho(bass), hangpal(stixx).
The Explode's guitar crowpunks wanna be 'animal rights, animal liberation'. Maybe, crowpunks is first vegan between KOREA punks. We hope Anarchy, Equality, Peace. The Explode just growing 3years and, young, have a little knowledge. So, We learn more, We effort more.
these days:
we support pyoungtak farmers. join anti-war protest.
we aginst KR-USA FTA(it's just for rich people)
recording new 7inch ep - this ep will out on DIY records(from japan)
printing first patch and t-shirts. only DIY printing ourselves.
check this:
our violent social story(1nd press): 100limited cds. 5000won / 5dollers. sold out.
our violent social story(2nd press): 100copies cd-r. 2000won / 2dollers.
va-next generation: 3000won / 3dollers. contact us.
va-noise attack live: 4000won / 4 dollers. contact us(our friend sell this cd).
va-live at dogcar: no sell, free / we can give you always time
the time gone fast, fucked! but, don't worry!
our time will come! take care.
we can't trust national policy. we haven't money, honor, authority...
we'll change social and, darkness future. fight control system.
never teardrop! you and me just bitter sweet generation. social victim.
if you want contact us. you can say to us.
contact mail:
[email protected]
remember hopeness times:
japaness crustie korea tour - raise your fist
'battle of dissarm', 'screen out' 5/11/2005 sat.
with theEXPLODE, Plgasari, some korea local bands.
show photo:
our songs on another website:
our song 'where is freedom?', 'fight back' added internet radio.
mohwakraio give us message. they want.. so, we add. 08/16, 2005.
we support, together:
save pyoungtak farmers! no more U.S. base!
please help pyoungtak farmers! MND use korea army. attack farmers!
perhaps, this problem like a kwangju of may again!
pyoungtak is under attack right now.
go out and do something plz
voice of people korea article - news: daechu school
voice of people korea article - news: army use of violence
voice of people korea article - news: 8person defence from army
voice of people korea article - news: against army protest yesterday(chaos class going there.
voice of people korea article - photographer Mr. no's picture about us base raider ball.
voice of people korea - us base makes environmental pollution.
voice of people korea article - news: farmers defence farm. special attack corps set barbed-wire entanglements. - this website is english for i guess, you can contant them. if you want.
War Resist International - korea
plz, check our struggle!
let's making proletariat punks threat!
boycott multinational corperation and, goverment business
we can break raw! we can make eaquality!
i know you teardrop everday. cause for discrimination!
let's making solidarity. punk and people solidarity!
we want truth, eqaulity, peace without violence!
our friends WIRE TO GRILL!(without violence