Myspace Layouts at / Blood bath
The ego is driving everyone mad. Always on the hunt, always in search, always hoping for something, striving for something, consuming everything, never satisfied. The ego is the ruler on this planet and soon everybody are on the train to nowhere?? Where are we heading?? The ego can never give the satisfaction it is searching for because the ego is a superficial thing, the ego is consciousness in a dormant state, in a trance. Mind is clinging to intellect, words, perceptions, and feelings are rising from the deception of who we are. To find is to stop searching. There is nothing exeptional to find, no extraordinary experience. Life and being is what the ego is running away from, scared of life and death. Just to be. Alive. But that is what our soul is longimg for. That is the kingdom of heaven. That is the treasure in the field, the perl. Just being detached from the restless mind, the eternal thirst for life. And you will awaken, being what you always were, a soul grounded in the being of life, in God.
In the being everything gets its true value and beauty. The body is miraculous and the powers and desires are lifeforces with a natural dignaty. Perverted sexuality is the distorted and frustrated instincts in conflict with the human mind. Body and sexuality never were the seat of the devil. The ego hides in sensuality. Ego feeds upon bodily satisfaction, on stimulation, on desire and getting possessions. It is the ego and not the body that is the devil. Ego is perverting and destroying life, ego is an entity which is not connected with the all, with everything else, with the other lifeforms. Perverted life is man mistreating animals, plants and the planet. Exploiting other humanbeings. The devil is ego without grounding in being in life itself.