VALKYRIE profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

*******************************************************Passi on for words, music, thoughts and dreams. Passion for long lost worlds that still linger in my Soul. For the Soul is who you are, the Soul is all knowing and everlasting, a source of wisdom and divinity. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. Writing about all sorts of things that seemed to touch my inner core. Writing is therapeutic to me, a process of becoming, a process of inner growth. Writing is compulsory to me, as it gives everything a place in my life, it gives myself a place in this world. Sometimes words flow out of my pen, fluently, like there comes no end to it, like in a trance state of mind. Other times I am overwhelmed by the amount and intensity of words, thoughts and emotions that rave through my body...finding no 'right' words to describe this. They are bits and pieces, fragments of lucid moments in time, colorful images and emotions leaving deep marks on my Soul. When I write, I experience divine happiness, the feeling of One-Ness! Time seemed to have stopped and spreading ripples of other dimensions into my own reality, waves coming in hitting shore with greetings from HOME. Writing is dreaming, creating a substitute for Home, the feeling of being one with the universe and beyond. *********************************************************** This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

*****Reading * Writing stories/poems/letters/notes/lists *observing everything/everyone around me * Mindfulness * Awareness * Wondering around within (and sometimes getting lost) * Yoga* Meditation *Buddhism* Reiki * Running * Dreaming and interpret them * Runen * Angels * The Galaxy * Peace of mind * collecting beautiful old china * photography * spending time with my family and friends * having that 'hurray' moment when everyone leaves in the morning and enjoying the silence and time for myself only to miss everyone shortly after * going with the flow * reading strange books * enjoying music with my headphones on * Roses and gardens * Buddhism * Zen * Philosophy * Psychology * History * Archeology * Esoteric books * collecting notebooks *Ancient Egypt * Native American culture * Maya culture * Northern mythology * Sumerian mythology * Icelandic storytelling * Herbology * Nature * Night walks * Day walks * bookstores * Victorian things (houses, dresses, movies, writers,...) dancing with my eyes closed *


*******************Siouxie and the Banshees + The Cure + Joy Division + Fad Gadget + Front 242 + The Virgin Prunes + Placebo + Radiohead + The Pixies + REM + The Smiths + Deus + Dead Kennydys + Smashing Pumpkins + Massive Attack + Tv on the Radio + The Kills + Muse + X-Maldeutschland + Sisters of Mercy + Bauhaus + Depeche Mode + PJ Harvey + Tori Amos + Kate Bush + Bjork + Catpower + Fiona Apple + Thom Yorke + Morrissey + Franz Ferdinand + The Verve + Nine inch nails + David Bowie + Royksopp + Sigur Ros + The White Stripes + HIM + Apocalyptica + Metallica + Ani Difranco + Talking Heads + Boards of Canada + Goldfrapp + Portishead of the + Anne Clark + Bow Wow Wow + Cocorosie + The Cult + Depeche Mode + Echo and the Bunnymen + Everything But the Girl + Gary Numan + Ghostigital + The Neon Judgement+ Nirvana + Switchblade Symphony ***** world music/meditation music/native chanting... Biosphere and Deuter I recommend to you!**** ****** ****** ******


alien + Lord of the Rings + Star Wars + Star Trek + Donnie Darko + Edward Scissor hands + Dracula + Fabuleux destin d'amelie Poulain + all Tim Burton movies + all Q. Tarantino movies + Silence of the lambs + Chronicles of Narnia + Harry Potter + Monthy Python + The last Emperor + Seven years in Tibet + Dancer in the dark + Pan's labyrinth + Wings of desire + A clock work orange + In the name of the rose + Interview with a vampire ..........


There is so much more to see out there than to watch tv...


Renate Dorrestein * Jeanette Winterson * Virginia Woolf * Charlotte and Emily Bronte * Sylvia Plath * Anais Nin * Franz Kafka * Hermann Hesse * Thomas Mann * Majgull Axelsson * Marianne Frederiksson * Iris Murdoch * JRR Tolkien * Anthony Burgess * Bernhard Schlink * Gabriel Garcia Marquez * Jean Rhys * Graham Greene * Roald Dahl * Edgar Allan Poe * Paul Coelho * Jane Roberts * Eckhart Tolle * Umberto Eco * Jostein Gaarder * ...books on the subject of : angels, psychology, philosophy, esotery, aliens, runen, mythology, autobiographies, cooking, plants ...


*People who follow their own heart no matter what others think or say. *People who persue their dreams although they might seem impossible at times. *People who live in very difficult circumstances and still manage to give so much love. *People who keep on surching for the truth while everybody else is sleeping. *People who dare to face themselves for who they really are. *People who are true to themselves. *People who see their life as a quest to find themselves again and become one with the one-ness of the universe. *Archangel Michael, protector of the light! *Master Kuthumi for being a guiding light! WILL BE CONTINUED...

My Blog


_______________________________Developing Awarenessby Jennifer Hoffman_______________________________ The awareness of how powerful we are allows us to realize where we could have chosen differently,...
Posted by VALKYRIE on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 08:10:00 PST


        At certain moments..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> when the connection is there it is as if two souls have finally found each other...
Posted by VALKYRIE on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 11:42:00 PST

The art of not being offended.

The Art of Not Being Offended by Dr Jodi Prinzivalli There is an ancient and well-kept secret to happiness which the Great Ones have known for centuries.. They rarely talk about it, but they use it al...
Posted by VALKYRIE on Wed, 21 May 2008 11:23:00 PST

Soul level relationships

  5 Keys To Soul Level Relationshipsby Caroline Reynolds________________________________ Can't live with them, can't live without them." We all find ourselves somewhere on the relationship cycle ...
Posted by VALKYRIE on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 01:24:00 PST


Walking through your own fears and finding your true self.... It is a process of facing your shadow sides; alle these parts about ourselves that we can not or will not face. ...
Posted by VALKYRIE on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 05:56:00 PST

Ride the cosmic wave!

I enjoyed this and wanted to share this with all of you.  Feel free to write down whatever you want to share of yourself and how you see things  in a blog comment .   love and light &nb...
Posted by VALKYRIE on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 02:12:00 PST

Mad World, a moment in time...

  I just try to understand what is going on but it almost seems impossible. Why do I feel uneasy? Why does it seem that things are not supposed to be this way? As if being here, out of the moment...
Posted by VALKYRIE on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 04:13:00 PST


Within isolation I found connection Within sadness I found joy Within my tears I found laughter Within pain I found happiness Within loneliness I found out that I am never alone but in connection with...
Posted by VALKYRIE on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 12:49:00 PST


I realize there is only me who knows what is best for me there is only me who can take away my pain there is only me who understands me fully there is only me who knows me but until I truly know MYSE...
Posted by VALKYRIE on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 02:13:00 PST

Space and Time Travel

Space & Time Travel   Your physical body exists at a specific location in space and time. In order to relocate physically, you have to travel to the new location. Your mind, however, is free...
Posted by VALKYRIE on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 12:45:00 PST