The Don profile picture

The Don


About Me

Lil bit about me. I love to roll (grapple) and watch MMA, bout 4 weeks ago I seperated my shoulder, 3rd degree AC joint seperation so I havent been able to roll for a while and its killing me. Got a new baby girl that I teach grappling to so she can properly choke the shit out of your child. Got a fantastic wifey that I love with all my heart and if I am not at work or with the family then I am at the Grapplers Edge banging and rolling with some of the best guys in the state. Love to watch MMA fights like PRIDE, UFC and IFL. If I cant watch it then I usually hop online or read up on it. Its the only thing I love almost as much as the Family. Love fighting and training. Its a life style NOT A HOBBY. After a hard nights work at the gym I come home and try my locks and jokes on anyone stupid enought to let me. REMEMBER if you get caught in my traingle choke just tap out or you will be going to see the white light. Isnt it funny that last thing you will smell before you black out is m balls :) Got 3 lil bros that I miss. Peace and love to all the fighters at Grapplers Edge! sports layout @ HOT MyHotComments
Bloody Benny
People Iced: Twenty Four
Car Bombs Planted: Thirteen
Favorite Weapon Shank
Arms Broken: Ten
Eyes Gouged: Eighteen
Tongues Cut Off: Eleven
Biggest Enemy: Rudy Rude Ruby
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* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Black
Height:: 5"7
Favorite Color:: Red
Screen Name:: Da Juggernaut
Favorite Band:: Cheech and Chong
Favorite Movie:: Star Wars
Favorite Show:: UFC or Pride
Your Car:: Ford
Your Hometown:: 303 Denver 303
Your Present Town:: Thornton
Your Crushes First Name:: YO MOMMA
Your Grade:: 1st
Your Style:: PIMP
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: si
Kissed someone in the rain?: si
Danced in a public place?: si
Smiled for no reason?: si
Laughed so hard you cried?: si
Peed your pants after age 8?: Your Trippin
Written a song?: naw
Sang to someone for no reason?: nope
Performed on a stage?: simon pinon
Talked to someone you don't know?: yes before I trinagls choked them
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: sure
Made out in a theatre?: :)
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: hell yeah
Been in love?: once and i have a love child from it :)
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Wifey
Tell you, I love you?: Wifey
Kiss you?: daughter and wife
Hug you?: wife
Tell you BYE?: wife
Write you a note?: sancha ;)
Take your photo?: work
Call your cell phone?: some punk named benito
Buy you something?: my wife again
Go with you to the movies?: my wife the MILF
Sing to you?: no one thank god
Write a poem about you?: naw
Text message you?: once again the wife
Touch you?: my super daughter
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: today when my daughter was smiling
Time you cried?: when I realized how dope my ground game was
Movie you watched?: How High
Joke you told?: why is 6 scared of 7? Cause 7 8 (ate) 9...
Song you've sang?: nada
Time you've looked at the clock?: just now
Drink you've had?: water
Number you've dialed?: the docs for my danged shoulder
Book you've read?: Art of War
Food you've eaten?: sushi
Flavor of gum chewed?: no se
Shoes you've worn?: Nikes
Store you've been in?: Grocery store
Thing you've said?: you should have tapped!
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: yeah but you cant read what I write with the left
Whistle?: yep, at yo moms
Blow a bubble?: easy
Roll your tounge in a circle?: ask my wife
Cross your eyes?: naw
Touch your tounge to your nose?: nope
Dance?: only if I were to get drunk and I dont see that happening.
Gleek?: yep on our face
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: if i take drugs like coffee
Speak a different language?: not really
Impersonate someone?: yeah ur dad
Prank call people?: hell yes
Make a card pyramid?: lame
Cook anything?: Im the iron chef
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...:
I wish ...:
So many people don't know that ...:
I am ...:
My heart is ...:
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My Interests

Grappling, spending time with my new daughter and Grappling, spending time with the wife and of course more Grappling. Of course I love UFC and PRIDE fighting. My fav fighters ever: Wandlerlei Silva Royce Gracie GSP Bas Rutten and much love to ALL the fighters from GRAPPLERS EDGESWEEP THE LEG! KOBRA KAI BABY

I'd like to meet:

Wanderlei Silva, Helio Gracie, Bruce Lee and John Lennon... width="425" height="350" ....


I like to listen to all music except country music.


Star Wars, Scarface, Menace 2 Society, Up In Smoke, How High, Half Baked.. width="425" height="350" ....


PRIDE and UFC.... width="425" height="350" ....PEEP OUT THE HOMIE DAUNE "BANG" LUDWIG .. width="425" height="350" ....


The Art of War by Sun Tzu and The Bible


My Pops the Big OG and my Momma and my 3 hermanos and of course my soul mate and my new superwoman..daughter who will so be making other kids TAP OUT OR KNOCK OUT!