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About Me

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Moo was found one morning tied to the front door of an Oakland animal shelter- all alone and very pregnant. We don't know why she was dumped that way or why she wasn't spayed before she got pregnant. There are too many Pit Bulls as it is. A worker at the animal shelter thought she could be a good candidate for rescue and called Bad Rap to come look at her. If it weren't for Bad Rap Moo wouldn't be here.
Bad Rap (Bay Area Dog Lovers Responsible about Pit Bulls) is a non-profit organization tirelessly dedicated to educating people about Pit Bulls. They rescue a limited amount of "breed correct" Pit Bulls annually with donations from the public. They took Moo in, got her spayed, gave her some obedience training and found her a good home, after careful screening, with people that love her.
Moo wants to be friends with good dogs and people that love and care for dogs like her. If you're a backyard breeder or someone who fights your dogs don't bother being her friend because she doesn't want to be yours.
We are very concerned about the fair and humane treatment of Pits like Moo. There are many animal shelters that have polices in place to euthanize every Pit Bull that comes through the door just because of the breed. These shelters don't care if they're good dogs with sweet dispositions - they don't get a chance to be adopted. That's sad.
We do all we can to make sure Moo is safe and protected. She's acting as goodwill ambassador for Pit Bulls everywhere. She's met a lot of new people since coming to live in Cupertino. She has plesantly surprised many people that have never had contact with a Pit Bull, most of which were surprised to find out that she is a Pit Bull. I guess they expected all Pit Bulls to be snarling, drooling and vicious.
There was a male AmStaff named Norton living in the house before Moo. He died about one year before Moo came along. Everyone that knew him said he was a good dog.
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Moo loves everyone but Cristina visits more than anyone else and plays with her a lot! She throws a tennis ball down the hallway and then laughs when Moo slides into the door at the end of the hall. Cristina takes her on outings and the occasional over nighter. Moo also likes Cristina's boyfriend, Andy.
Playing with Cristina:
At The Beach with Cristina
Moo has a good home. She's fed twice a day, goes for walks, plays fetch, gets treats, rides in the car, has toys to tear up, waits for bits of food to "fall" while we eat dinner and has her own couch. We let her cuddle up on our couch with us at night when she's dog tired. When it's cold we let her get on the bed with us. She prefers to be IN the bed with us but we don't like dog hair in our bed.
This is a busy dog. First thing in the morning she runs out the door into the backyard like a maniac so all the squirrels, birds and bugs know she's on the job. Perhaps one day she'll run fast enough to fly. She once broke a rib trying to fly after some squirrels. That injury hasn't stopped her from trying again. After all that running and jumping she switches off between napping and patrolling. In her spare time she works on her tree climbing skills. It would be easier if she had thumbs. With a little more practice and a thumb transplant she might master it. She's good at killing bugs too.
Moo LOVES food! She'll eat just about anything except bananas and lettuce - especially not together. She seems to like broccoli most of all. Loves the flowers and the stems - cooked or raw, with sauce or without. We call her a "Bottomless Pit Bull"! She'll do tricks all day for anyone with FOOD!!!!! Since coming to live with us she has learned a lot of tricks. Everyone's favorite is "Bang!" She sits up pretty and when we say bang she does a drop and roll. Everyone laughs and she gets a cookie. Her favorite thing is catching tennis balls while running at a 100 miles an hour. You can throw it right at her and she catches it with a loud pop like a ball in a glove. She catches high fly balls and grounders too. She loves tennis balls almost as much as she loves people. She's a very lucky dog - we should all have it this good!!!
Last year Moo started bicycle rides with her "Dad". He attaches a long rope to her collar and she grabs it in her mouth and pulls him along. She does several laps around the block until she runs out of steam - it's a big block. "Dad" doesn't have to pedal until near the end. She looks like a little racehorse and seems to love doing it. She's so tired when she's done that she has to lie down to drink water. She's a high energy dog so anything she does to work off energy is for her benefit and ours. Moo has nothing to complain about because she's loved, cared for and best of all not dead. She gives us a lot of laughs with her antics. I have never known a dog smarter or more affectionate than Moo. Maybe the world will wise up someday and realize that Pit Bulls aren't the problem - it's the people. It's always the people.

My Interests

Number 1 on her list is chasing tennis balls, then comes everything else. Trying to get IN the bed with anyone that's in bed, playing with Cristina and Andy, visiting Cristina and Andy, chasing squirrels, chasing birds, chasing bugs, eating bugs, patrolling, running for no apparent reason, belly rubs, meeting new people, seeing the same people again, seeing any people, riding in the car, pulling her "Dad" on his bicycle, going for walks, chasing anything anyone will throw, any attention at all, hugs, food, bones, sneaking up on "Mom" and "Dad's" bed late at night when they're asleep and can't throw her off, barking, rolling around on the floor, rolling around on the couch, rolling around on the bed, rolling around on the bed with people in it, visiting relatives, eating cookies, doing tricks for cookies, passive begging at dinnertime, and naps.

I'd like to meet:

The inventor of the tennis ball, anyone that comes to the door, anyone with food, and anyone and everyone.



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All Dogs Go To Heaven, Lady & the Tramp, Homeward Bound, Fatty & Mabel, For Pete's Sake, The Little Rascals, Beethoven, 101 Dalmations,and Turner & Hooch


Anything on Animal Planet,especially if there are barking dogs.


The Bad Rap Happy Endings 2005 calendar.

Some of the lucky dogs that got adopted through Bad Rap in 2004 are in it. Moo is one of the lucky ones - she was Miss August in 2004. You can find the calendar and other Pit Bull related items at


Bad Rap's Tim and Donna - she still loves those guys!

My Blog

Michael Vick dogs doing well fostering with Bad Rap

Donna Reynolds, co-founder of  Bad Rap (Bay Area Dog Lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls - appeared on Rachel Ray with one of the Michael Vick Dog ambassadors. Here’s a ...
Posted by Moo on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:29:00 PST

Some people make things harder for the rest of us.

Went to the grocery store today and watched a woman tie her Pitbull’s leash to a shopping cart and then wedge the cart between the wall and the cement garbage receptacle.  Then she went in ...
Posted by Moo on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 04:05:00 PST

"Where's your leash?"

I don't know what it is about this dog and her leash.  She always knows where it is and it's rarely in the same place. It's as if she's got an internal tracking device for it.  If I ask...
Posted by Moo on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 09:09:00 PST

Paw inspections

I prefer being in the house when it's cold because I don't have a lot of fur - I'm a single coat dog. I only go outside to take care of  business and chase squirrels - then I want back ...
Posted by Moo on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 05:00:00 PST