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Tribute to American Heroes

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About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 } a I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1 This site is in honor of all American Heroes. This is for all of the men and women that serve Our Country domestically and internationally, for the troops fighting each day to protect our freedom. This is for the police officers putting their lives on the line day in and day out to keep us safe at home. And this is for all the other men and women that keep fighting for us, though we don't always fight for them.I hope those that visit my page have as much respect and appreciation for these people as I do. I hope you keep them in your prayers and on your mind, because we are on their minds with each gun shot, with each tackle, with each battle. Their families live day by day hoping for them to call. Their families go to sleep every night worring about what tomorrow brings and if their loved ones will come home.I support the Troops. I support the War. And I support President Bush. For those of you reading this that do not support President Bush, all I ask is for you to put aside your differences and support our Troops. Because they are what make this country great. THEY are why we remain free. THEY are the reason me, you, and the rest of the billions can live the lives we CHOOSE to live and believe the beliefs we CHOOSE to believe.Please feel free to send pictures of your loved ones out there fighting each day for us on the streets of our home town or internationally."One challenge of a long and drawn out war is that public commitment to the war effort can flag - especially in an unpredictable situation like the War on Terror, where a few weeks of dramatic battle can be followed by months of difficult activity behind the scenes. And if the public should lose its resolve to win, if its attention should wander from the evil that confronts us and the necessity of defeating it, victory will only stray further from our reach." - Sean Hannity"The greatest threat to our resolve today in the War on Terror is the political liberalism - and selfish opportunism - of the Democrats. From it's leaders on down, America's left-wing party is ideologically inclined toward appeasement, toward dismissing or understating the terrorist threat, and toward containing rather than confronting, the despotic regimes that aid and abet the terrorists. Whatever momentary interest its members may show in the war is inevitably swamped by the party's unquenchable thirst for political power." - Sean Hannity

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President Bush, Charlie Christ, All of the Fallen Heroes, and all of the Heroes fighting today."I expressed the hope that life would return to normal. In some way it has. In others it never will. Those of us who have lived through these challenging times have been changed by them. We've come to know truths that we will never question: Evil is real, and it must be opposed.Beyond all differences of race or creed, we are one country, mourning together and facing danger together. Deep in American character there is honor, and it is stronger that cynicism. And many have discovered again that even in tragedy - especially in tragedy - God is near.In a single instant, we realized that this will be a decisive decade in the history of liberty; that we have been called to a unique role in human events. Rarely has the world faced a choice more clear or consequential.Our enemies send other people's children on missions of suicide and murder. They embrace tyranny and death as a cause and a creed. We stand for a different choice, made a long time ago, on the day of our founding. We affirm it again today. We choose freedom and dignity of every life.Steadfast in our purpose, we now press on. We have known freedom's price. We have shown freedom's power. And in this great conflict, my fellow Americans, we will see Freedom's victory.Thank you all and may God bless" - President Bush, State of the Union address after Sept 11.


"When President Bush focused attention on Saddam Hussein's growing defiance of world opinion in 2002, he encountered nothing but opposition from the left. As Saddam thwarted international weapons inspectors, shredded the Gulf War Treaty, and ignored one U.N. resolution after another, antiwar activists at home and abroad pressed for more time, more negotiation, more accommodation. Even today, as American troops work to maintain peace and build a stable government in Iraq, the appeasers protest our presence there, hoping that their attacks will buy them a few votes in November......the appeasers may prefer to ignore history. But the horros of the Holocaust demand that we NEVER FORGET. We must never again be ambushed by a ruthless enemy, as Britain was before World War II, and as we were before September 11, 2001. WE OWE IT TO THOSE WHO DIED, AND TO OUR CHILDREN, TO REMAIN VILIGANT IN THE BATTLE AGAINST EVIL." - Sean Hannity.. ..


Mark Ross, Joe Archambault, My Dad, President Bush, All of the Troops, All of the men and women in Uniform, and their families."When President Bush focused attention on Saddam Hussein's growing defiance of world opinion in 2002, he encountered nothing but opposition from the left. As Saddam thwarted international weapons inspectors, shredded the Gulf War Treaty, and ignored one U.N. resolution after another, antiwar activists at home and abroad pressed for more time, more negotiation, more accommodation. Even today, as American troops work to maintain peace and build a stable government in Iraq, the appeasers protest our presence there, hoping that their attacks will buy them a few votes in November......the appeasers may prefer to ignore history. But the horrors of the Holocaust demand that we NEVER FORGET. We must never again be ambushed by a ruthless enemy, as Britain was before World War II, and as we were before September 11, 2001. WE OWE IT TO THOSE WHO DIED, AND TO OUR CHILDREN, TO REMAIN VILIGANT IN THE BATTLE AGAINST EVIL." - Sean Hannity.

My Blog

Rush Limbaugh: Good Man, Great Objections

Regardless of whether you love him or loathe him, he truly nailed this one right on the JUSTICE ???????by Rush Limbaugh:I think the vast differences in compensation between victims o...
Posted by Tribute to American Heroes on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 05:58:00 PST

Dedication Song to the Heroes of the United States Armed Forces

This is for all of our Heroes in the United States Armed Forces. Thank You. ...
Posted by Tribute to American Heroes on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 06:19:00 PST


It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to understand how ANYONE could say such wretched and anti-American things. This man is the poison that runs through the veins of the Libs in America and manifests the brain-was...
Posted by Tribute to American Heroes on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 06:01:00 PST

Dear John Kerry

This was written by a soldier, who is currently deployed to Iraq, indefense of a recent comment made by Senator John Kerry. Pass it along, it might inspire someone else to speak up!John Kerry said, "Y...
Posted by Tribute to American Heroes on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 12:45:00 PST

Never Forget - Rudy Giuliani

Never Forget Sept. 11, 2001If we don't do this correctly - if we let some minor memorial be dwarfed by office space - people a hundred years from now will say this generation did not understand the si...
Posted by Tribute to American Heroes on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 07:49:00 PST