Tommi was born in Detroit, MI on May 1, 1995. She began singing at the age of 2. Her first performance was at a Hart Plaza Festival in downtown Detroit at five years old. At age 6, Tommi won her first talent show at Wayne County Fair in the 14 and under division. After the show Tommi was invited to sing the National Anthem for the Governor's Luncheon. Having had no professional training,she has escalated to heights far beyond her 11 years. Tommi has appeared on,"The Maury Show","Appollo's Showtime in Harlem", America's Most Talented Kid (first season on NBC), Maury again and America's Most Talented Kid had her back a second time, and Appollo's Showtime in Harlem had her back as a finalist when she was seven.Other credits, "Access Hollywood", local cable show "Home Grown in Detroit", 'WDIV local news a number of times, runner up in the Marshall Fields- Target Super Singer Contest June of 2003,competition for all ages,(also aired on WDIV). On May 11, 2004 performed at NBC's Studio 8H at Rockerfeller Center in New York,as a repesentative of America's Most Talented Kid for Pax TV UP- Front Presentation. July 1, 2004 she opened with the National Anthem for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra at the DSO's Salute to America concert at Greenfield Village. Tommi has done a number of festivals around Michigan in the summer of 2004. On July 26, 2004 did a special appearance as a guest performer on "Good Morning America". Tommi does the National Anthem for the,"Detroit Pistons", and the Detroit Shock Pro Basketball teams. Shock: June 12, 2004 May 21,2005 season-opener Sept. 24, 2004 Playoff Pistons: Oct. 13,2004 Pre-season Opener Dec. 10,2004 May 11,2005 Playoff-Indiana Feb. 14,2005 June 4, 2005 Playoff-Miami Mar. 16,2005 Mar. 30,2005Tony Danza show Sept.29, 2004 Musical / Where is the Love Feb. 16, 2005 two shows Ford Freestyle commercial TV / Radio Detsitti Sportswear commercial WJR-Warren Pierce show Hey this is Tommi, and I just wanted to add a lil' bit. I have done three plays in Michigan. The most fun were My Sweet Potato Pie and Where is the Love?. I've done one commercial. Wnba's Cheryl Ford was in the commercial.(Detriot Shock Player) I also have been singing at my own concerts since I was 5 years old. I was also crowned Little Miss Pba (Philipino Basketball Association) I'm half Black and half Philipino. -Tommi Williams
Tommi Williams Holiday Concert
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