Sports, music...pretty much anything.
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I love it all!
Gotta say my favorite is still the original Star Wars...but I've never been to a convention and I don't own my own lightsaber!!! Braveheart is probably my favorite from the last 10 years or so.
I stand corrected by my cousin Bob in Bermuda...forgot to add Paul Newman's classic..."Slap Shot"! "Christ...Pop 'em!"
Kindly don't call me when the following shows are on...check your local listings
24...Go Jack!
Grey's Anatomy
Prison Break
My favorite fiction book that I last read was "A Time Traveller's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger but if your into Biographies, try Ed Bradley's "A Good Life" or "Report from Engine Co 82" by Dennis Smith.
Mom and Dad!