the daniel iorio group profile picture

the daniel iorio group

"Hike" now available at itunes!

About Me

The new album "Hike" now available on iTunes!
D.I.G are a four member outfit consisting of some of Montreal's top live & session musicians, joining forces with indie singer/songwriter Daniel Iorio.
Their first CD together, "Hike", is a self-produced effort boasting 12 melodious tracks, chronicalling, rather whimsically, the trials and tribulations many artists endure to do what they love. Coupled with some themes touching on Buddhist tenets, existentialism, death, self-doubt, fear, metaphysics, realization & awareness, "Hike" manages to present itself as unassuming and without presumption.
"The record created itself" utters Iorio. "I had just come out of a 3 year indie deal that bore no fruit...Dan(Legault) opened a small project studio and, knowing what had happened with my deal, invited me over to bang off a few tracks for fun. The next thing you know, we have 20 tracks in the can, and an album we've always wanted to make. It kind of crept up and bit us in the arse." admits the Montreal singer/songwriter, who also co-produced the effort with Legault.
"Hike" is now available on iTunes & CdBaby.
D.I.G est un ensemble de quatre membres comprenant quelques-uns des meilleurs musiciens de session de Montréal joignant leurs forces avec chanteur/compositeur Daniel Iorio.
Leur premier CD, "Hike", est un ouvrage auto-produit comportant 12 pièces mélodieuses, documentant, de manière plutôt insouciante, les épreuves et tribulations auxquelles plusieurs artistes ont à faire face afin de faire ce qu'ils aiment. Arborant certains thèmes traitant de psaumes Bouddhistes, d'existentialisme, de mort, de doute, de peur, de métaphysique, de réalisation de soi et de prise de conscience, "Hike", arrive à se présenter sans prétention.
"L'album s'est créé de lui-même" dit Iorio. "Je sortais d'un contrat indépendant de 3 ans qui n'a pas porté fruit... Dan (Legault) venait d'ouvrir un petit studio maison et, sachant ce qui était arrivé avec mon contrat, m'a invité à venir enregistrer quelques pièces pour le plaisir. La première chose qu'on a su, nous avions 20 pièces de complétées et l'album que nous avions toujours voulu faire. Il est arrivé et nous a surpris par derrière." admet l'auteur-compositeur montréalais qui a co-réalisé le tout avec Legault.
"Hike" est disponible maintenant a iTunes et CDbaby.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/5/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Daniel Iorio, Marco Desgagne, Dan Legault & Andy Dacoulis

Influences: Beatles - Led Zep - Daniel Lanois - Rolling Stones - Doors - Pink Floyd - U2 - Peter Gabriel - Blues/Folk/Roots - Brit Pop - Motown

Sounds Like: Wolverine, Peter Sellers & Woody Allen having drinks with John Lennon.

New album "Hike" also available at CD Baby for digital download:

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

"Hike" amongst best albums of 2008!

Hello everyone, Hope you are all doing well. We just got some pretty great news! Our home made album "Hike" has been tagged as one of the best albums of 2008 by listeners at Last.FM. Click o...
Posted by the daniel iorio group on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 09:57:00 PST

New album "Hike" now available at iTunes!

Hey everyone, Good news! Our album 'Hike' was just released on itunes. You can download the entire album.  If you can email us a proof of purchase, we'll send you the album artwork in PDF forma...
Posted by the daniel iorio group on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 08:10:00 PST

"Hike" debuts on U.K webradio!

We're very happy to announce that our song "Hike" will have it's first spin on British cyber-waves today (July 5th) sometime after 1PM EST (6PM if you are on the other side of the Herring Pond). Here'...
Posted by the daniel iorio group on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 07:43:00 PST

Interview with tv show ciao montreal

Check out this video: daniel iorio interviewed by tv show ciao montreal ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by the daniel iorio group on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 06:51:00 PST

Daniel in the New York Times....twice!

"Ma...I made the Times! I made the Times!!" te-the-blues-big-payback-the-wild-under-attack-and-chuck-ber ry/ http://slapshot.blogs.nytimes.c...
Posted by the daniel iorio group on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 07:22:00 PST

Live video and review!

Hey! Hope everyone is doing great. Thought I'd share this with those who may be interested. A few weeks ago, we performed a song I was asked to write for Hockey Hall of Famer, Guy Lafleur who just so ...
Posted by the daniel iorio group on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 09:56:00 PST