guinnesssize me profile picture

guinnesssize me

Laugh? I Near Shit!

About Me

On the 23rd of May 2005, against all medical advice, two Northern Irish filmmakers decided to find out what would happen if they consumed nothing but Guinness for a week. Armed with a car full of booze the boys hurl themselves headlong into the heart of Ireland's hedonistic drinking culture. The lads' initial enthusiasm for the project is soon dampened when good-natured drunken banter gives way to unrelenting hunger pangs and continual in-fighting punctuated only by small outbursts of genuine camaraderie. After two days and forty-plus pints each and struggling to cope with "the fear" they escape towards the Republic of Ireland. Dublin, their first stop and ancestral home of Guinness, provides them no relief as they trawl through high-class members' bars and sweaty clubs alike...with further bouts of drunken squabbling. They then head for Galway where events take a turn for the worse. After a series of chance encounters with psychopathic killers, fights with go-go dancers and weak bladders they finally head for Ireland's southern coast. It is only here that the lads begin to find their salvation, their constant urge to move sated by their all-pervading tiredness and sense of sanctuary.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4

My Interests


Paul Grattan, the autor and narrator of GuinnessSize Me, has written a poem about Guinness called Arrette;


And if ther be any thyng that displese hem, I preye hem also that they arrette it to the
defaute of myn unkonnynge and nat to my wyl
- Chaucer, Canterbury Tales

The black silt of swally has become
my arses acrid hanger on. What paper,
puppy-plump or kitten-soft could wipe
this insult from my bum. A ticker-taper
tuft of hairs is hardening opinion as we speak,
in hard and difficult to reach terrain. In truth,
this throne of Royal Doulton retains both heat
and dignity in the face of cheeks
backed up solid for a week. Like the poor
the Garry Glitters are always with us.

My Blog

Foyle Film Festival Screening

The screening was great, another packed (and somewhat pissed) audience and a good oul dance afterwards. Thanks to everyone who attended, we will post more screening dates soon.
Posted by guinnesssize me on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:24:00 PST

ok so it was a bit of a long shot

we didnt win the 'best irish film' award from Buzz magazine, we were up against Ken Loach (who i don't even think is Irish, and so techincally we should have won by default no?), but we're chuffed the...
Posted by guinnesssize me on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 08:39:00 PST

were going to use this blog shit as news until we get our proper website up

GuinnessSize Me has been nominated for Best Irish Film 2006 by Buzz Magazine. We are up against Ken Loach's 'the wind that shakes the barley' so we are well chuffed at being selected but dont hold out...
Posted by guinnesssize me on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 01:09:00 PST