What Nine Inch Nails song are you?
-The Perfect Drug-You are madly in love with someone right now, or at least you want to be. You feel like you are out of control with your emotions. It's not such a bad feeling, is it? ;)
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if the foetus is not a person, why would one need to point out special circumstances to justify destroying it? Aquarius, Animals, bouncy castles, baggy clothes, balls, brown eyes, cloudwatching, crisps, dreams, dark hair, dodgy music, ecstasy (not the drug), excitement, funny, faster faster! 'Goodtimes', giggles, gyrating, helium voices, happiness,Have to have Houmous, hotness, icy sailor jerrys, Italy, Irish, jumping on beds, Love, lollipops, languishing, letters, MINE, my Mother, Melt my marshmallows, magazines, NIN, On a mission, Oh my god, potatoes, Presents, Put them all in jail, Payday, Per chance? Qu'est que ce fafafafafafa, runny chocolate, Robbie, Raw Onions, Rebel, Shhhhh
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No ta. But if you must send a friend request at least send a message or something to make yourself less instantly dismissable
What kind of a Nine Inch Nails fan are you?
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Nine Inch Nails. Otherwise i love a long list of songs, not bands. A list of ones i have remembered is on my bebo page.
Amelie, Orca the Killer whale, GuinnessSize Me, nmare b4 xmas, thirteen ghosts, Spirited Away, my neighbour totoro & anything else by mayazaki (spelt wrong) and mister Depp. Easily pleased in the film department
Brass eye, armando iannuchi, hollyoaks, it's me or the dog, wife swap, dog borstal
i fucking love them
my mother