Jason Carey profile picture

Jason Carey

Guitars and such.

About Me

I started playing with guitars and piano's when I was about 6 years old. I play bass guitar and drums also. I've been singing since I was 3 or 4. Writing songs came at a very early age for me. I've been published, recieved 3 editors choice awards for lyrical writtings and finished just out of the top 20 in a International song writing competition. I play multiple styles of music, including alternative rock with a band called KINDYL. Alot of people have been asking me to record them some of my Country music so I might as well record a Country album. So if you are into different styles of music check out Kindyl when you can. Your support for Independent and unsigned artists makes a huge difference and they are always greatfull. Believe me, every little bit matters. Thanks for stopping in. MyGen Profile Generator" / Get Your Own Voice Player Manage

My Interests


Member Since: 8/23/2006
Band Members: Jason CareyOccasionaly there will be a guest artist on some songs.Deep In The West Video - Waylon Jennings lyrics Waylon Jennings Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by VideoCure.com
Influences: Waylon Jennings, Guns-N-Roses, Lynerd Skynerd, CCR, AC/DC, Montley Crue, Metallica, Johny Cash, Elvis, Poison, My uncles Don and Junior Carey, my parents, there is really to many to list.Arlington Video - Trace Adkins lyrics Trace Adkins Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by VideoCure.com
Sounds Like: You tell me.Where The Stars And Stripes .. Video - Aaron Tippin lyrics Aaron Tippin Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by VideoCure.comYou'll Think Of Me Video - Keith Urban lyrics Keith Urban Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by VideoCure.com
Type of Label: None

My Blog

One of those days.

  You ever have one of those days when everything you touch seems to go to shit?  It doesn't really matter what it is it just does. For instance I decide to clean my Truck and get it lo...
Posted by Jason Carey on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 11:07:00 PST