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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello. My name is Ameasha Brown and I live in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. I've lived in the country along the Nith River for over twenty - five years, where my husband and I raised our three children. I am an aspiring writer and I write short stories, poetry, articles of different genre for ezines and I have a manuscript for a children's play titled " The Stolen Tapestry. " Currently I am working on three books. My first one is my baby and is a fantasy novel titled The Calling. I am on the 24 chapter with each chapter approx. 2500 to 3000 words in length and I am hoping for publication in late fall 2006. The second one is a mystery/drama, and the third is a true story. I also have three fantasy plots brewing on the back burners.I have written a horror stage play for production in India titled Thirteen Autumn Avenue for P D Sathish Chandra at and possible opening night has been changed due to unforeseen circumstances to Friday April 13th, 2007. Although the title may change to 13. I'm very excited about that. I'm also a team member at Celtic Sorcery Productions I'm an author and I do research there as well. I thoroughly enjoy all the project at CSP. You are more than welcomed to enter this magical realm and look around. The many services offered, may be what you need.I have also developed a strong passion for writing full length feature screenplays and I am currently writing my firt screenplay draft.I've always loved writing from a very early age, but I was never able to pursue it until now. I'm like an artist, I love to write stories and paint with words. Wherever I go I carry with me a pencil and notebook, so when an idea springs up for a plot or character, I am able to write it down. I am always thinking of new themes and adventures for short stories and novels.
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My Interests

Writing Painting ( oils and watercolours ) Crafting Reading Herb gardening Did I mention writing? ;)

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet my good friend and manager Maree Agland who lives in Australia. I would also like to meet fellow authors, playwrights, and screenwriters, along with producers, directors and anyone in the film and movie industry. Excluding of course any type of porn!!!


Loreena McKennitt Andrea Bochelli Enrique Iglasias Celtic 50's and 60's North American Indian Country Classical


Ghost Mr. and Mrs. Smith The Sixth Sence Final Destination 1, 2,& 3 The Exorcism Of Emil Rose The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe


Mediumn House The Collector Supernatural Bones NCIS CSI Numbers Ghost Whisperer