I am an ordinary person with ordinary interests. I collect dust, but I'm also interested in bones, shadows and misrememberings.
My best friend is a spider called Inky-Blinky... but he disappeared. I decided to use thisSpace as the global nerve-centre of the international search for my errant arachnid. Like a certain other aspirational old girl, I have relied on the kindness of strangers… who have been more than generous. They have searched their pockets, looked in their shoes, and forwarded me anything that might provide a clue as to Inky’s whereabouts. But despite an intensive world-wide hunt, no one could provide more than hints and rumours.
I admit, I was beginning to despair. Then came the stunning message on the spaceship-to-shore communications thingy! And now I don’t know what to think.
Everything is on hold whilst I wait for the fleet to return from the other side of the galaxy where they are looking for the missing Khan of the Republic of Tinselman . It is, of course, imperative that they find and secure the Khan before the Enterprise gets there. We can’t have the Khan fall into Shatner and Murdoch’s grubby paws. That would be a disaster. But I do wish that they’d stopped long enough to let Inky off.
All I can do is wait… and hope.
I’ll be dusting the collections at Museum of Dust (making room for our new ‘Pulverised Pluto’ exhibit), if anyone wants me.
PS here’s a picture of our fleet… just in case you thought that it might be a good idea to go out there and rescue the Khan yourself. If Inky is indeed on board, you won’t stand a chance. Not only did he design the spaceships AND their weapons systems, he enjoys nothing more than blowing up UFOs. In space, he told me, only spiders can hear you scream.
Stock Photo credit: Capt. Demarius Pike. Spaceship design © MoD MoD Studly Wilcox-Lusher the Third