Robocop was on the Tele last night, more then just a movie... |
Now I have written on Robocop extensively, and every time the movie is on cable, I find yet a new addition to my theory on the movie. Now over the past couple of days I have made a point to start mark... Posted by Alonism on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:36:00 PST |
"The Boss" chooses Barak, this means what? |
So as I am sure many of you have read, today there was an announcement made about Bruce Springstein deciding on backing Barak Obama. Now normally I would look at such an endorsement as nothing, becaus... Posted by Alonism on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:19:00 PST |
Jimmy Cater, and Hamas, two peas in a pod... |
For those of you that have been reading my blogs for a while, you know I am not a lover of Jimmy Cater. You will also know that I am not a lover of Hamas, but really I do not have any issues with Jimm... Posted by Alonism on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:44:00 PST |
The Reminisce of a Days Past... |
After having a conversation with my sister earlier this evening, I was inspired by her appreciation to the bald male. She likes bald men! Now I myself is bald, and I have been for many years. My mothe... Posted by Alonism on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 11:38:00 PST |
Pro-War vs. Anti-War... They both got it wrong... |
As much as I claim I am a nerd, this may be the very blog that will give my readers a true insight into my mind, and how I look at various challenges that our world is facing today...To start, those t... Posted by Alonism on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 06:11:00 PST |
So I am trying to figure this one out, maybe you can help me... |
So today I was reading the news. I like to check a verity of news sources, just so my intake is a balanced one. While scanning down the Yahoo news page, I noticed a story about oil. Yes another oil st... Posted by Alonism on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 12:50:00 PST |
I have been noticing a trend, and its not looking good... |
So for the past week, I have been intense working towards getting full time employment. This Temp work has been fun, but as I have been interviewing, I have been noticing a trend and its not looking p... Posted by Alonism on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 12:04:00 PST |
You know, I like Sarkozey... |
So in todays news, I saw an article about French President Nicholas Sarkozey making an announcement about scaling down his nuclear arsenal. Now although disarmament isn’t my focus, it reminded m... Posted by Alonism on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 12:58:00 PST |
My Calling... I Rock!!!! |
So last night was a war. A war in my apartment. The participants were a bunch of friends, doing something never to have been seen before in this area code, or any other known area code. Yes thats righ... Posted by Alonism on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:28:00 PST |
Dog Poo, the story of a person, and his new shoes.... |
New shoes can give you a little peep in your step. I myself enjoy a good pair of new shoes. In fact I have 25 pairs of the same shoe, many of which have yet to be worn. Shoes, to me, are the quintesse... Posted by Alonism on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:41:00 PST |