20 year old twins, Trevin and Trenton Tieken, have been performing professionally since the age of 13. They recorded their first CD in 2002, self titled Tieken Twins. It received international recognition that included Virgin and Elektra records, and producer Stephan Galfas.
TIEKEN spent 2007 in NY recording with international manager/producer Stephan Galfas. The recordings feature Trevin on Bass, Guitar and Vocals, and Trenton on Drums and Vocals.
Growing up in a musical family that has been a major contributor to the professional Rock n Roll scene throughout middle America and beyond, Tiekens are poised and ready to make their mark on the world wide Rock n Roll market place.
For more infromation check out: www.tiekenband.com
Stephan Galfas
International Talent Organization Inc.
115A Pine Street
Greenwich, CT 06830
Phone: (203) 531-8111
[email protected]
Fax: (203) 531-9444