Witchy Wendy profile picture

Witchy Wendy

I am here for Friends

About Me

TwistedSiblings.com - Twisted MySpace layouts & stickers!I want to learn 13 different languages, have a handfasting. I like to dance, paint, sing, play guitar. I want to join an animal rescue campaign or even form one myself. I have dirty blonde hair that's bleached blonde. I have lips that smile, grimace, and pout and hazel eyes that penetrate into the soul. I have high cheekbones. I have large front teeth. I smoke hookahs. I'm from San Jose, but I hate the smog and crowded population. I layer my clothing. I get cold easily, but feel unpretty in heavy jackets. I hate direct sunlight, but I'm saddened when the skies are gray. I'm afraid of clowns. I like the smell of burning wood. I have a Scandinavian face and pale skin. I used to cut myself alot. Iv'e skipped classes, cried for no reason, slept past noon. Fantasized about suicide. Mentally planned my own funeral. Fallen in love for the first time. Had my heart broken over and over. I'm obsessed with death, but I enjoy the beauty of life. I've been in love with Count Dracula since the age of thirteen. My hair may not always stay dyed. I may have stopped cutting, but I still bleed. And the scars still show. I think I have multiple personalities. I laugh, I cry, I whisper, I scream. I'm only human, though sometimes it feels like it's only half. Half Jack. Half Jill. Am I equally torn between the two? Remember, these are all just thoughts written in the poet's pen. Even if this all doesn't make sense to you, just remember I don't know everything. But I know who I am. I'm Snow White dressed in garments of blood rose corsets, resting beneath the icy barriers of a crystal casket. I'm a goddess of love emerging from the sparkling seas into the celestial kingdom of Olympus. I'm a naked witch gazing into a mirror of true purity. I am an Egyptian princess on my way to my throne. Maybe I'll proceed to choose between personalities again.-Witchy Wendy
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Funerella.com - Creepy pictures, gothic death, dark layouts
Funerella.com - Creepy pictures, gothic death, dark layouts
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Funerella.com - Creepy pictures, gothic death, dark layouts
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TwistedSiblings.com - Twisted MySpace layouts & stickers!
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TwistedSiblings.com - Twisted MySpace layouts & stickers!
TwistedSiblings.com - Twisted MySpace layouts & stickers!
TwistedSiblings.com - Twisted MySpace layouts & stickers!
What Hogwarts House Are You In Gryffindor all the way!
Ever Punched Another Student Guilty.
Are You A Death Eater Hell no!
Ever Killed A Muggle Never.
Do You Think Wormtail Is Ugly Definitely! He looked better as a rat.
Who Are You Dating Harry Potter
Are You Married Yes
Do You Like Your Mother When she's not screaming at me!
Do You Like Your Father When he pays attention to me!
Ever Seen The Dark Mark Unfortunately.
Do You Play Quidditch Oh yeah.
If Yes What Do You Play ( seeker etc ) Seeker when I have to fill in for Harry.
Do You Like Mr Harry Potter Of course! He's my boyfriend.
Draco Malfoy God Like or Twat Like I think Malfoy's hot even though he's a brat. Shhh! Don't tell Harry I said that!
Do You Follow The Dark lord Hell no.
Ever Been In Azkaban Not yet (joke!)
Can You Turn In To A Animal Yep
What Animal Wolf
Are You Pure Blood Or Half Blood Half Blood
Ever Been Dumped Yes, the bastards
Do You Have A Son Or Daughter At my age?!
Do You Use The Word MUDBLOOD Never.
Is Harry Potter sexy Well yes!
Fleur Is She A Goddess Or A Ugly Girl Goddess. I'm almost jealous of her beauty.
Do You Like Hogwarts Yes!
Is Mad Eye Moody Cool Only when he's not using Unforgiveable Curses. Oh wait! That was Barty Jr.
Who Is Your Fave Seeker Harry!
Neville Longbottom What Do You Think Of Him He's like an adoreable, shy, sweet teddy bear.
Is Barty Crouch jr Sexy WTF?! He looks like a frickin' terrorist!
Do You Like Dementor's They're cool looking but they depress me if they get too close.
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My Interests

Reading and writing vampire/horror/fantasy/messed up romance novels and stories, screen plays, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Celtic fantasy, British fantasy, Gothic painting, poetry, lyrics, Dracula, chocolate covered cherries, Wiccan practices, meditation, nature, ballet, love letters, hopeless romantics, belly dance, singing, boys, the ocean, erotic literature, animals(especially rats and bunnies!), vegetarianism, raw food, Crispin Glover, Vincent Price, Tim Burton films, romantic love, creepy toys, Teddy Scares, zombies, monsters, adoreable psychos, pumpkins, combat boots, Victorian/Edwardian style clothing, candles, incense, cheesy old 80's horror movie classics, cemetaries, scaring the hell out of people, death metal, Mozart, Gothic fantasies, coffins, Halloween, vampires, mermaids, unicorns, faeries, mythology, horror movies, Medieval corsets, chains, black velvet, satin, silk, blood roses, men from mystic time periods, skulls, black nail polish, the darkness, blood, rubies, garnet, silver, diamondsWhat Does Degrassi Think About You?
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I'd like to meet:

Goth kids like me. None of these media-brainwashed sheep who gobble up every preppy thing you tell them are cool. And especially not any of these wangster hip hop nerds. I mean, honestly, do I really look like that sort of person who'd be into that bullshit? I didn't think so. I like people who are their own person. Wooing Draco Malfoy? (Hot pics ;-))
You woo Draco with your resistance. The more you try to resist his temptaions, the sexier he becomes. He loves to see you uncomfortable around him and it causes him to want you more. The harder he tries to cause this discomfort, the more he grows on you. This is a very heated passion in which you strive to resist. When will you give in?
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You like Romantic Draco!

Romantic Draco is well...a dream come true! He will come to sweep you off your feet like a knight in shining armour! Polite, refined and very handsome, Romantic Draco wants nothing more then to woo you. Throwing aside all inhibitions, he will tell you he loves you constantly and deny the wrath of Slytherin for his love of you. He spends his money freely on you, graces you with many gifts and writes you romantic poetry! He is constantly at your side and dreadfully overprotective!
You love Romantic Draco because you are a true Romantic at heart!
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Name: Wendy
Birthday: October 23rd 1986
Birthplace: Hell
Current Location: Monterey
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: bleached blonde
Height: 5'1
Right Handed or Left Handed: both
Your Heritage: Scandinavian, Gypsy
The Shoes You Wore Today: black velvet mary janes
Your Weakness: love
Your Fears: clowns, heights, cockroaches, relationships
Your Perfect Pizza: vegetarian or seafood combo
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Make more money
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: LOL
Thoughts First Waking Up: Leave me alone, mom!
Your Best Physical Feature: skin and hair
Your Bedtime: Whenever I'm tired.
Your Most Missed Memory: high school plays
Pepsi or Coke: I don't drink that shit.
MacDonalds or Burger King: I don't support factory farming, thank you. SEE FAST FOOD NATION!!!!!!!
Single or Group Dates: either
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate all the way!
Cappuccino or Coffee: coffee
Do you Smoke: Do hookahs count?
Do you Swear: Afraid so.
Do you Sing: All the time.
Do you Shower Daily: Of course.
Have you Been in Love: Yes
Do you want to go to College: Currently attending
Do you want to get Married: Yes and no
Do you belive in yourself: Yes
Do you get Motion Sickness: Only on winding roads or when I read in the car.
Do you think you are Attractive: sometimes
Are you a Health Freak: Not as much as my mom!
Do you get along with your Parents: sometimes
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes
Do you play an Instrument: I play guitar sometimes
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes
In the past month have you Smoked: only hookahs
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: no
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Oreos give you cancer
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no
In the past month have you been on Stage: no
In the past month have you been Dumped: yes, unfortunately
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: not yet
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been called a Tease: yes
Ever been Beaten up: yes
Ever Shoplifted: no
How do you want to Die: On the alter of a Roman cathedral (joke)
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Writer/Musician/Dancer
What country would you most like to Visit: Greece, England, Canada, Ireland, Scotland
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: ocean or icy blue or brown
Favourite Hair Color: brunette or jet black
Short or Long Hair: medium-long
Height: 5'10
Weight: around 156 lbs.
Best Clothing Style: Goth
Number of Drugs I have taken: none
Number of CDs I own: too many
Number of Piercings: 2
Number of Tattoos: none yet
Number of things in my Past I Regret: too many to count.


This profile was edited with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.4

Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Which Damien from the Omen Trilogy are you?
Congratulations, you're 6 years old, Damien! Awww, aren't you the cutest thing? We know you wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone your own mother, or your father, or even half the people around you. After all, you're seemingly innocent and clueless about the horror going on and Rottweilers are your friend! Avoid churches and flash a smile, and it'll all be okay. ;)
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You suffer from the deadly sin of: Lust, an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. You horny beast you! Lust is linked with the cow and the color blue.Why you are this way: Oh please!
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You scored as Bride of Valentine. You have had bad luck with love, haven't you? There, there. Maybe your love life will be better in the next life.

Bride of Valentine

.. .. ..
one of the best Draco/hermione videos
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Kittie, Disturbed, Rammstein, Cradle of Filth, Otep, Killswitch Engage, Slipknot, HIM, Loreena Mckennitt, Jewel, Tori Amos, Marylin Manson, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Rob Zombie, Koffin Kats, Horrorpops, The Creepshow, Atreyu, Tristania, Spinal Shiver, My Dying Bride, Bella Morte, Opeth, Collinwood13, Carfax Abbey, Nox Arcana, The Newlydeads, Wednesday 13, The Murderdolls, Ayin Aleph, London After Midnight, Adam Absinthe, Claire Voyant, Magenta, Staind, Mushroomhead, Jack Off Jill, Meatloaf, Orgy, The Cure, Korn, Snake River Conspiracy, Ugly Kid Joe, A Perfect Circle, Inkubus Sukkubus, James D. Stark, Nickleback, Cindy Lauper, Stevie Nicks, Evanessence, Blood Sundae/Severed Heaven, The Dresden Dolls, Vermillion Lies, Depeche Mode, She Wants Revenge, the Killers, Mudvayne, AC/DC, Papa Roach, Death Cab For Cutie, Nirvana, Lamb of God, Linkin Park, Iced Earth, Metallica, Godsmack, the Deftones, Coal Chamber, System of a Down, Sisters of Mercy, Type O Negative, Creed, Children of Bodom


The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Cruel Intentions, Scream, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Little Vampire, Ginger Snaps, Harry Potter, Dracula, Vampire Clan, The Craft, Fright Night, Night of the Creeps, Gypsy 83, Interview with the Vampire, 13 Ghosts, Tenth Kingdom, The Omen, Edward Scissorhands, Sweeney Todd, Corpse Bride, Cherry Falls, Willard, Pumpkinhead II Bloodwings, Child's Play 1, 2, and 3, Bride of Chucky ("Seed" was shit), The Brothers Grimm, The Addams Family, UHF, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Valentine, Back to the Future, Pet Semetary II, My Boyfriend's Back, Hocus Pocus, The Borrowers, Peter Pan, Stardust


Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Degrassi


Harry Potter, The Vampire Kisses series by Ellen Schreiber, Dangerous Girls by R.L. Stein, A Night Without Armor by Jewel Kilcher, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy by Tim Burton, The Gashlycrumb Tinies by Edward Gorey, Goddess of the Sea by P.C. Cast, Beyond the Pale by Suzanne Russe, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Richie Tankersly Cusick's Vampire, Wings in the Night by Maggie Shayne


Jesus, Mary, my Mom, Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandella, Anne Rice, Edgar Allan Poe, Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, Bela Legosi, Boris Karloff, Edward Gorey, The Addams Family, Catwoman, Ginger Fitzgerald, Morgan Lander, Ville Valo, Gwinivere Rain, Vincent Valentine, Count Dracula, Snow White, Aphrodite, Peter Pan, Harry Potter, Amanda Palmer, Cleopatra, Edward E. Jarvis, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Damien Thorn, Vincent Price, Crispin Glover, The Vermillion Lies sisters
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My Blog

How To Make A Wendy

Ingredients:                        1 part bat wings       &nb...
Posted by Witchy Wendy on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:22:00 PST

Positives of Dating a Zombie

1. He will always appreciate your brains more than your beauty2. No other girls will hit on him or try to steal him from you3. He will listen to you for hours without interrupting   (unless ...
Posted by Witchy Wendy on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 06:53:00 PST

I Have The Hotz For "Weird Al" Yankovic!!!

Okay. Maybe I'm not the only one who thinks he's hot....at least I don't think I am, right? But all month long, I've come to discover that I can't even watch "Like A Surgeon" on YouTube without having...
Posted by Witchy Wendy on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 11:52:00 PST

Nobody See "Good Luck Chuck"!!!!!!

Honestly, unless you are a narrow minded, perverted guy who will fuck anything with big plastic boobs, you DO NOT want to see this! I completely lost my appetite during this movie and had to look away...
Posted by Witchy Wendy on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 10:55:00 PST

I Bleached My Hair!!!

That's right. My yucky dull, black/brown residued mane went bye bye and now it looks sooo much better! Though  I still have to post new pictures of it on my page, I'm most certainly thrilled abou...
Posted by Witchy Wendy on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 03:41:00 PST

I'm Still Lovesick For Jacob

Yes....I've been in love with him for a very long time now. He's really been getting to me lately. I want him so badly. I've had dreams about him. Some are too embarassing to say, while others I can't...
Posted by Witchy Wendy on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 01:42:00 PST

In Loving Memory of James Berishnikov

About a month ago on the eleventh of August, (my grandmother's birthday) I got a rat. His name was James. When I brought him home, the very first thing he did was crawl up my arm to sit on my shoulder...
Posted by Witchy Wendy on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 09:18:00 PST

Save Me From This Animal

I had the most freakiest damn dream the other night! I walked into a public restroom with green floor tiles, stalls, and flickering florescent lights on the ceiling. As I'm observing my pale reflectio...
Posted by Witchy Wendy on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 01:57:00 PST

Enslaved By Murder

These sheets are stained with bloodAs I feel my heart drop to the floorMy soul is pierced by the thorns of every scarlet roseEver to have bloomed within suicidal dreamsI'm fallingDescending into the d...
Posted by Witchy Wendy on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 12:11:00 PST

Hate To Love, Love To Hate

Why do we have emotions? I mean what's the point? All they do is fuck with you. If we didn't have them, nobody would get hurt, including ourselves. Hell, there would be no war because there would be n...
Posted by Witchy Wendy on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 01:09:00 PST