drink, food, pee, poop, nudity, beard farming, chicks without dicks, photography, seismography, steganography, tasseography, pornography, topography, monotony...
People who want to sponsor my life...With clothing, food, cash, and sneakers...And also love...Also the person who got this tattoo, which I thought was solely a figment of my imagination, although I usually picture the dolphin on top:
i listen to my own bad music, and since beans won't fix the website he made for me, it's mostly the same song anyways... jan.bnado.com , SLIMON AND GARFUCKLE, the truck stop whores, the captain kirk experience, the johnny rings, the sweat stains, anal leakage and the priests of perversion, the crosstitutes, chocolate surprise, crack eyed steez, Murder and the kill-kill-kills, soil and green, fly me to the moon, dead mexicans, dick insider, the raucous polyps, shaunte's inferno, poak-mee and the rears, shaven brides,the flat chests, pinky and the brains, ego man and the me-me-me's, private dryness...
The Karate Kid and also movies with girl on girl action.
Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, All My Children, General Hospital, The Simpsons, Family Guy, low budget cooking shows on channel 25...
Umberto Eco, Hustler, Norman Mailer, High Society, James Ellroy, Oui, Martin Amis, Cheri, Juggs, Graham Greene, Private XXX, McSweeneys Quarterly, Black Tail, Nietzsche, Leg Show, Neil Gaiman, Club International, Gore Vidal.
All my heroes were losers and drunks who wrote stuff, now they are just sandwiches.