the power of manifestation and postitivity. i am living proof if you believe in yourself enough to set an intention, the Universe brings all you need and then some... speaking of. I have everything I need and then some Like a brown leaf determined to turn green, I feel as if I finally have everything I need. It's taken me awhile to get here though. These two feet have carried me miles of desert sand...I've walked miles of cracked concrete streets, climbed California style hills...which led me to my cool ocean blue. My mind got a chance to unwind...and I discovered I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED AND THEN SOME I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED AND THEN SOME So I started to practice standing tall in my mountain stance and i felt these two feet rooted deep into Mother Earth's soil. My mind and body finally feel at one..and my heart's past pain, simply feels done. So of course, I think I'm ready for the one. But I catch myself somewhere along that trail of longing..and I catch my tears with my HOPE with what I KNOW.. I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED AND THEN SOME GIVE THANKS BECAUSE I HAVE EVERYTHING IN NEED AND THEN SOME.
Sometimes the song is my head is as soothing as any I hear outside.
my life is a movie. a good one too, you'd pay to watch it. you'll buy the book one day, won't you?
i'm more into living life lately than tv watching. but a good sex and the city repeat is always enjoyable
The Course Of Miracles....The Secret...anything by Alice Walker I've been devouring lately.
Any soul brave enough to live their dream.