frankywedge profile picture


........small hen.......

About Me



My Interests

Wake-boarding, surfing, my friends, chatting, laughing, having fun, eating, fashion, movies, music........just so everyday like its your last!

I'd like to meet:

Santa Claus ..


everything, my ipod is versatile!!!


i love a movie to suit my mood, all are welcome!




.... ..


A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: franky wedge
Birthday:: 19 september
Birthplace:: London
Eye Color:: green
Hair Color:: blonde
Height:: 5'7
Weight:: 8stone
Right handed or Left handed?: right
Your Heritage:: princess haha
My Worst Habit:: tequila and biting my nails
Zodiac Sign:: virgo
Shoe Size:: 4 1/2
Pants Size:: 8
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: No
The Shoes You Wore Today:: cowboy boots
Your Weakness:: chocolate
Your Fears:: the dark
Your Perfect Pizza:: anything with extra cheese!!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: deciding my career path
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: hey you!
Thoughts First Waking Up:: coffee
Your Best Physical Feature:: bum
Your Bedtime:: late!
Your Most Missed Memory:: my cat!
Favorite color?: pink
Food?: cookies
Sport?: wake-boarding and yoga
Animal?: cat
Ice Cream?: ben and jerry's everything!
Candy?: sour haribo
Store?: topshop
Salad Dressing?: honey and mustard
Actor?: al pachino
Song?: teardrop-massive attack
Letter?: w
Number?: 5
Gum?: orbit
Holiday?: thailand
Season?: autumn
Toothpaste Flavor?: mint
Radio Station?: kiss 100-on a cold night sometimes a bit of heart!
Perfume?: pure grace
Scent besides perfume?: rosewater
Body part on the opposite sex?: definately a nice back
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: i haven't decided because i want to do everything!
How Do You Want To Die?: in the arms of the one i love!
Turn ons:: kindness and loyalty
Turn offs:: arrogance
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: None we're all so different and thats the way i like it!
Who's The Loudest?: They are all so loud!
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: On different days they all make me laugh
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Aaron
Who's The Shyist?: me!
When Have You Cried The Most?: when i was in hospital
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: being loved and loving someone back
Worst Feeling?: lonliness
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: I haven't found the place yet! im thinking near the beach!
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: my intelligence...i wish i could speak languages
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: As long as i can
Let's walk on the: wild side
Let's look at the: bigger picture
What a nice: person
Where did all the: jaffa s go!
Why can't we: stop spending money
Silly, little: monkey
Isn't it weird that: ive met so many people on myspace
Never under any nd Not Worry?: i eat what i want and sometimes worry
You Touched:: my aunty
You Talked To On The Phone:: my best friend
You Instant Messaged:: my graphic designer
You Hugged:: my friend i hadn't seen for years
You Yelled At:: man who fined me for no reason!
You Played A Sport With:: myself!
Time You Laughed?:%3r
Time You Cried?: today
Movie You Watched?: saw 3
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: mint
Joke You Told?: whats brown and sticky - a stick
Song You've Sung?: justin timberlake
Where Are You?: on my bed
What Can You See Out Your Window?: field
Are You Listening To Music?: yes
absolutely...ining?: pyjamas
What's On Your Mousepad?: spots
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yep little green people
Do you believe in miracles?: yes
Magic?: i like to coz i think its fun!
Love at first sight?: yes
God?: not sure
Satan?: not sure
Ghosts?: not sure
Santa?: of course he visits me every year!
Evolution?: yes
Fav Eye Color:: blue
Fav Hair Color:: dark
Short or Long Hair:: short
Height:: 6" ish
Weight:: whatever
Best Clothing Style:: jeans and t-shirts
What Country Wo In Yourself?: australia
Number Of CD's I Own:: loads
Your Good Luck Charm:: my necklace
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 4
Do you drink milk?: no
Person You Hate Most:: i dont think i hate anyone..people can annoy me though!
Most Outdated Phrase:: dude!!
Do you think God has a gender?: not sure
Where do you think we go when we die?: somewhere nice i hope
Hoight"Sleep With Stuffed Animaphone?: when i can find it in my bag!
What is something scientists need to invent?: the key to shopping and chocolate addiction!
Are you a health freak?: yes
Are you a virgin?: no
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: the moon
What is the worst weather?: rain
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yes
How many grades have you failed?: none
Meat or Veggies?: veggies
TV or Movie?: tv
Guitar or Drums?: drums
Adidas or Nike?: addidas
Chinese or Mexican?: mexican
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: cheerios
or Pie?:
MTV or VH1?: mtv
Blind or Deaf?: blind
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Do The Splits?: yes im very flexible
Write With Both Hands?: kinda
Whistle?: yes
Blow A Bubble?: yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: yes
Cross Your Eyes?: yes
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: never ever tried
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: yes
Dance?: yes
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: i eat what i want and sometimes worry
You Touched:: my aunty
You Talked To On The Phone:: my best friend
You Instant Messaged:: my graphic designer
You Hugged:: my friend i hadn't seen for years
You Yelled At:: man who fined me for no reason!
You Played A Sport With:: myself!
Time You Laughed?: today
Time You Cried?: today
Movie You Watched?: saw 3
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: mint
Joke You Told?: whats brown and sticky - a stick
Song You've Sung?: justin timberlake
Where Are You?: on my bed
What Can You See Out Your Window?: field
Are You Listening To Music?: yes
What Are You Wearing?: pyjamas
What's On Your Mousepad?: spots
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yep little green people
Do you believe in miracles?: yes
Magic?: i like to coz i think its fun!
Love at first sight?: yes
God?: not sure
Satan?: not sure
Ghosts?: not sure
Santa?: of course he visits me every year!
Evolution?: yes
Fav Eye Color:: blue
Fav Hair Color:: dark
Short or Long Hair:: short
Height:: 6" ish
Weight:: whatever
Best Clothing Style:: jeans and t-shirts
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: australia
Number Of CD's I Own:: loads
Your Good Luck Charm:: my necklace
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 4
Do you drink milk?: no
Person You Hate Most:: i dont think i hate anyone..people can annoy me though!
Most Outdated Phrase:: dude!!
Do you think God has a gender?: not sure
Where do you think we go when we die?: somewhere nice i hope
How many rings until you answer the phone?: when i can find it in my bag!
What is something scientists need to invent?: the key to shopping and chocolate addiction!
Are you a health freak?: yes
Are you a virgin?: no
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: the moon
What is the worst weather?: rain
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yes
How many grades have you failed?: none
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