photography, theater, music, film, traveling, hanging out etc
Leta upp mig på Facebook istället, orkar inte med sega och kraschande sidor på myspace.
And bands, if you want to be friends I think you should have at least some downloadable mp3s on your profile. Otherwise I am not interested.
A lot, but mostly rock and singer/songwriters, some electronica.
Some artists: Sisters of Mercy , Leonard Cohen , Sofia Talvik , Regina Spektor , Danko Jones , Nine Inch Nails
The man without a past , Taxi driver , Lost in translation , American Beauty , The Others , Thelma & Louise , Amelie , Girl on the bridge , Duel , The Shining , Walk the line , Sånger från andra våningen , good documentaries
Simpsons , Seinfeld , Twin Peaks , MacGyver
One tip: The Dice Man - Luke Rhineheart