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Finding something good, and fresh nowadays can be a lot harder to accomplish, especially in the music world. I mean with the Internet there is a constant flood of bands, everyone and their sister has a band now. Very rarely do any of these bands produce a talented, tight, delicious package, and Ride My Llama does just that! Whether it’s Abe Bergsma’s raspy/truthful voice with jazzy/blues/metal guitar licks, Kyle Bowman’s pounding drums with the occasional heart-stopping scream, and to top it off ‘spiderwalk’ Steve Berti’s dominating bass beats and stage presence this band is here to not just take your ears but also your girlfriends panties!
Truly delivering something original for you to hear, Ride My Llama reminds you exactly why you enjoy rock ‘n’ roll as much as you do, by combining sounds such as Danko Jones with Rage Against The Machine, Tom Waits, a little Primus, and maybe some Zappa in the mix also. So instead of reading the rest of this stupid write up, go listen to Ride My Llama in concert, or go buy their newly released E.P. “Eat that pie,†you won’t be disappointed.
"Something about this bands name tells me they either have a massive fear of petting zoos, or they're just about to embark on a multimedia experience that includes loud music, booze and a mechanical llama."
- Pulse Magazine -
Contact Info
Manager/Promoter: Middleman
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Fans Of Ride My Llama
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