We are Shakefist. Alex Steven and Garrett. Alex plays the gutiar. He has been playing for about six years now. The styles that Alex practices with range from classical, mexican, and various soloing techniques. He's feakin crazy. Steven has also been playing the guitar for six years. The styles Steven practices with originate from blues, and jazz, with his own creative metal twist. Garrett does the vocals. He has been screaming ever since Steven and Alex dubbed him "the singer for the band" a some odd four years earlier. Shakefist hails from Billings MT, with major influences from local bands and much other more famous bands that include: Lamb of God all the way to AC/DC. It all started down in Alex's basement in the year of 2002. Alex and Steven would sit down and write metal shit for countless hours on end, everyday after school. I myself(Garrett) have witnessed every second of the wonderfull music those two would write. We eventually moved into a heavier sound after hearing bands like Iced Earth, then to a heavier sound after Lamb of God. Our original drummer, Zack Garriett, was there most of the time. He had been enrolled in the navy and unfortunatley had to leave. Other than that Alex, Steven, Garrett have been a musical family for about four to five months. Metal is a very big type of music for all of us I think I can say without worry. It's something that we want to take quite seriously, and hope to live the metal life, if we cant hope we'll make it happen.
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these guys kick ass.