I did paint my toe nails the other day. It's actually kind of hot. The best part is when I'm sprawled on the soda barefoot and someone walks in. Quite the conversation piece, I assure you. They sit there and look at my feet and then look at my face and then back at my feet. Because of this, I kind understand women who complain about men never making eye contact because they're looking at other parts of their anatomy now. Or maybe I just have freakishly big feet.
The Lover. The Sinner. The Broken. The Needy. The Hungry. The Willing. The Widow. The Orphan. You.
I mourn the fact that music today celebrates showmanship over musicianship. Lately the pop station sounds like a musical melee, yet there is still hope for today. I love Romantic era concertos, swing, and anything else that goes well with a glass of wine and some sharp cheddar. Then there's the CD that I keep for whenever Steve is with me in the car. It's 25 tracks of Creedance Clearwater Revival. With gas prices at four bucks a gallon, it's great for making him drive. Sometimes I play heavy metal to help work out some excess energy. Sometimes I pull up Josh's myspace to listen to whatever sonic insanity he has playing but I can only listen to it for a little while before my primary auditory cortex ruptures.
Ever meet someone, laugh with them for a bit, and then think, "You know, I bet that this person is a great cuddler?" Me either. I digress, however. I love movies for that purpose. Recently I went on a classic movie binge. I figured that it would have all the elements of classic rock. Instead it had all the sappiness and charm of Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, and Shirley Maclain all in one. In conclusion, Casablanca is probably the greatest love story ever written. It's that movie a guy can watch and say, 'holy cats, he reminds me of... well.... me!' Actually, that's not true. Frank Sinatra gets girls.
I'm afraid that I don't watch mutch aside from the Daily Show and sometimes the History Channel. When I quit watching TV and playing video games something amazing happened: I had free time to go for walks and stuff. Then I got sun somewhere other than my face and forearms. Yessir, on the back of my neck. Quite frankly, for the good of American society, I have decided that me with my shirt off is not healthy.oh. This commercial wins:If Dr Pepper were a girl, I'd marry her. Dark, sweet, and bubbly? What else could a boy ask for?
Usually if it's between two covers and worth my time, I'll read it. On that note, I read the Bible sometimes. It's funny what it says and what some people say that it says. I read C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia a while back. Truth be told, I struggle to see God as the author portrays Him as Aslan. This summer I've decided to read Shakespere's comedies. I'm sure I had a really good reason to do so but I forgot what it is. Maybe it had something to do with quoting pithy wisdom from The Bard on moonlit beaches or something. It probably will end up more saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, leading to amusement for all at my expense. The reality is that I ended up reading King Lear and stopping there. It was amazing! It was rich and textured! It was... really long. For the rest of the summer I bounced between Lewis and other random authors. I must admit, though: The Alchemist was pretty sassy. Oh, and Bored of the Rings, by the Harvard Lampoon. I thought Tolkein was a bit verbose too. Cha cha cha.
I met someone a couple months ago. I can honestly take a look at her life and say, 'wow.' She's as kind as she is smart, compassionate as she is funny, hillarious as she is beautiful, and for some incredible reason I have the honor of calling her my friend.
Simply Amazing.
But enough about my feminine side that likes kittens and small children with balloons. My actual hero is The Most Interesting Man in the World, as seen in the XX commercials (pronounced Dos Eckies. Or something like that.) Anyone who has charisma that is visible from space? He's full of win.
Dilbert Daily Strip: 2008-09-21
This is pretty much awesome