----TEAM ISSUES---- -GRACIE JIU JITSU- "Put forth the effort but don't be attached to the results." This is something that my dad has always told me.. If you are trying so hard to accomplish something and it doesn't turn out like you had expected, then this can be a philosophy for you too.. I live more existentially than most.. where as I don't usually try too hard for things, but things always come to me (knock on wood). To a certain extent I let the universe or destiny make my decisions.. Do you have to force a leaf to grow? Do you have to make your heart beat? NO.. and when these things are supposed to happen they will happen and when these things are sopposed to stop they will stop, whether you want them to or not. Does this mean then that we can just sit there and things will happen, or we don't have any free will.. no, that is not what destiny or Karma is all about. Since we have the ability to put one foot in front of the other, you at least must do that.
People Who Don't Fake The Funk
Someone who puts a smile on everyones face when they walk into the room. Someone who believes that it is possible to change the energy of a room when someone walks into it. People who believe that everyone has something good to offer, its just a matter of finding it. People who think they can change the world. People who think that you cant change the world so I can show them how. People who believe that mastering this life begins with mastering yourself. People who practice everyday to master themselves. Someone who can make me laugh. Someone who I can make laugh (did you say impossible??(Thats not a funny!!)). People who will keep being themselves no matter what other people think. People that realize that other people usually dont think. People who will always be funny around me because I tend to take things and myself too seriously. People who will call me out on it when Im being too serious. People who will lift me up when I'm down. People who will keep in touch with me even though I'm 2000 miles away.
Hip Hop seems to be the music that everything else revolves around. I love music from all Genres, but when you can take those other styles, and put them to a tight hip hop beat.. Now that is sick. I have delved into 80's pop and english beat. Funk (mostly from the mid to late 60's), Jazz, Soul, Classic rock, Alternative, Electro funk/breaks, and 80's freestyle. You can find combinations of these genres in my crates at any given time. The concept being that one form of music stemmed from another. Therefore with the proper chronology, or just good timing, you will make these styles sound like they really do belong together.
-FilmsThatMakeYouThink: Manic/BetterLuckTommorow/ AnythingElse/EternalSunshineOfTheSpottlessMind/ Eve'sBayou/MysteriousSkin/TrumanShow/SixthSense -RelationshipStories: PlayingByHeart/DotTheI/BeforeSunrise/GirlInCafe -Action: FistOfLegend/NinjaScroll/LegendOfDrunkenMaster/ Matrix1/IronMonkey(NotTarintinosVersion)/ TwinWarriors/HouseOfFlyingDagger/MysteryOfChessBoxing/ AnyStephenChowFilms -Comedy: Friday/KingsOfComedy/MostChrisRockHBOStandUp
Current TV
Arrested Development
Family Guy
the universe
Breaking Bad
The Alchemist -Paulo Coelho Art of War-SunTzu APeople'sHistoryOfTheUnitedStates-HowardZinn: :AikidoAndTheDynamicSphere-Ratti: :BraveNewWorld-AldousHuxley: :TheProphet-KahlilGibran: :ThingsFallApart-ChinuaAchebe
My Dad / Grandmaster And Inventor Of Hawaiian Kenpo: Sensei Bill Ryusaki / Electric Boogaloos Original: Skeeter Rabbit / GrandMaster: Cecil Peoples / Grandmaster And Inventor Of Brazillian Jiu Jitsu: Helio Gracie / Inventor Of Judo: Jigoro Kano / Inventor Of Aikido: O' Sensei Mohrei Ushiba / My Tai Chi Chuan Instructor In Taiwan: Sifu Chung Bao Yi