painting, writing, did I say painting? playing music, reading sure thing great books.
More people I would like to meet... Jimmy Carter / Jim Wallace / Emmy Lou Harris / Ann Lamott /..... the members of congress and the senate ( I would love to talk to them about the "wisdom" they exorcised /not exercised / in the realm of medicare/medicaid I had to help my mom navigate the process as she was dying. Not easy. What do people do when they have no help? )
We have a great music scene in MI; Kitty Donohoe, Claudia Schmidt, Annie Capps, Matt Watroba, David Barrett, Jim Bizer,Mustard's Retreat.Drew Nelson, Ralston Bowls, Jo Serrephere and the Willie Duns, Whit Hill and the Post Cards. I also like the music of Bruce Cockburn, Cindy Lauper, Paul Simon and Randy Newman. Love, love, loved.. Toad the Wet Sprocket.
The Princess Bride / Best in Show / Mighty Wind /
John Stewart Show and Kieth Oberman. Also, guilty pleasures include South Park and Trading Spaces.
Bel Canto, War Talk , the Kite Runner, anything by Anne Lamott
My mom, who when she knew she was dying of lung cancer said, "I can't live the rest of my life so sad. I have to find something good every day that I can focus on and think about . If I don't , I won't be able to get through this." And she did. She met every day with a will to live as fully as possible. My mom died on May 22nd ,2006 , less than 5 months after diagnosis. She had gone into the ER on New Years Eve day 2005. She had been suffering with a bad head ache all month and was at her wits end. At the ER they found three tumors in her brain and a mass in her lung. She had spent the month of December in pain, being treated by her internist for a sinus infection that never existed. In the next few months she went through whole brain radiatio, blood clots in her lung and legs, UTIs, dehydration and excelerating pain. The cancer spread to her bones and spine before she died. She was heroic in her fight. She came home to live with Alan and I in February. My sister Denise and I shared the bulk of the care duties. Mom died here at home on May 22nd, 2006. She had a beautiful Spring here in Michigan. The flowers bloomed early and we bundled her into the wheel chair each day so that she could go out and check on our neighbors flower beds. She kept her sense of humor till the end. She became very child like in many ways, but she held on to the knowledge of family and friends and the hope of heaven. Beaumont Hospice was wonderful. They came to the home and prepared us as much as possible for the changes that would come. They came when ever they were needed. I would highly recommend Hospice to anyone whose loved one is facing terminal illness. Don't wait too long. Hospice nurses are also heroes of mine.