Art (in all it's forms and mediums), Conversation, friends, my routine
A whole lot of people, but just to get me started (i'm doing this both alive and dead)(oh yeah and not in any particular order): dead: John Lennon, Bill Hicks, Louisa May Alcott, Raymond Carver, Dylan Thomas, my Grandfather (after whom I'm named) and many more. Alive: Paul Thomas Anderson, Zach Braff, Jeremy Piven, Adam Goldberg, Ahmir ?eustlove Thompson, Sasha Baron Cohen Sarah Silverman, Sophie Calle, Jenny Holtzer and many, many more..
A lot of different stuff : rock, hip hop, classical, showtunes, country (yes it is true I have no shame)a bit of everything, but will always have a soft spot for the solo-female vocalist
TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many, but for a taste: Carnal Knowledge, The Graduate, The Player, Boogie Nights, Dazed and Confused, Eternal Sunshine, Modern Times, 3-Iron, and so many many more.
Am addicted, and therefore have thrown it out of my house and don't watch.
Also many: Little Women (cheesy but true), the Short stories of both Dylan Thomas and Dorothy Parker,
Mainly my Grandmother, but I'm sure that there are a few more out there