Member Since: 8/15/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Svein Egil Hatlevik
Influences: Burzum
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Aphex Twin
Eric Satie
Public Enemy
Albert Ayler
György Ligeti
The Beatles
Thorns (early shit)
Knutsen & Ludvigsen
Iron Maiden
Steely Dan
Ryuichi Sakamoto
Frank Zappa
Peter Brötzmann
Boards of Canada
Morbid Angel
Pink Floyd
Arne Nordheim
Stina Nordenstam
Immortal (early shit)
Maja Ratkje
Frederic Chopin
Venetian Snares
Astor Piazzolla
Nine Inch Nails
The Beach Boys
Edward Grieg
Amon Tobin
John Cage
Chris Isaak
and many more – i think.
Sounds Like:
the press says:
Hatlevik's one of the most compelling musicians (and minds) in this realm today...check it out.
"The Yawn of the New Age" is not metal. It doesn't owe anything to anybody. You want your Crowleyan freedom? Here it is, and it's already set your house on fire and stolen your car keys and your Tamagotchis while you weren't paying attention. You can't even call Yawn noise music, that's way too restrictive and regressively macho for the mischievous sonic riddles and puzzle boxes that former DHG keyboardist and black metal musician Svein Egil Hatlevik have painstakingly constructed. It belongs in that elusive pop malcontent category, alongside Third Eye Foundation, Dead Voices on Air, Kevin Blechdom, Kid 606, Coleco games, Non, and Aphex Twin. (
will cause you brain damage and undue suffering
The Yawn of a New Age [...] is less a metal album than a "do whatever because you can" album, no bad thing at all if you know what to do. Zweizz does, thankfully, and his combination of frenetic drum machine beats, murky vocal rants, and general oddness [...] — could just as easily be a release on Load or some obscure Japanese CD-R label as anywhere else in the world.(
i think that only a sick and unhappy person, a pedophile, would listen to that music. (
...full of the battiness of Norwegian techno and the fuck-you of black metal. (Terrorizer)
What in THE FUCKING HELL is this???
A pretty 7", red, nice and pretty on my turntable. The stylus was down, the record was spinning.
First I checked the speakers to see if they were properly turned on. Then I checked the wires. Nope, not that. Was the stylus fucked up? I turned the turntable off to examine it. Nope, no problems with the needle. The record itself? No way, it's brand new, but maybe it was just dusty or something. Nope. Perfect.
Then it dawned on me. The record was SUPPOSED to sound like this! (Ultimate Metal)
[...] there is nothing left but a directionless, stitched-together chaos with really little to keep it from falling apart except perhaps for the fundamental forces themselves, wind not included! (Convivial Hermit Magazine)
And some might argue that this isn’t even music. There is construction, and quite intelligent at that. You can do the robot and then get your ass kicked, but not really dance. Mostly, I’d like to think of this as soulless experimental electronic music. It’s powerful though, no doubt about it. (Deaf Sparrow)
One can discover some elements of black metal in the sound, but it thrives a lot more on electronics and computer noise. (Lunar Hypnosis Webzine)
The music changes directions abruptly at times, and has an unbalanced approach throughout. There really isn't anything off hand I can think of to compare this to that will give you an idea what any of that means. Strange Electro experimentation that never reaches the point that I would call it noise. (Wormgear Zine)
Glitchy and rhythmic electronic noise from Norway with many layers of sound varying from crisp and clear to muddy and muffled. For the most part it's quite chaotic and random, though definitely structured in pace and flow, despite being kind of all over the place. Expect anything from chopped up beats and churning electric guitar maipulations to melodic synths or total electronic noise. (Aversionline)
.. this goes beyond the idea of what should be done, and what can be done. (
I felt like I needed to take a shower after listening to this half a dozen times in a row, and while sometimes that feeling is appreciated, in this case, it just made me feel dirty and wanting to cleanse myself of the filth. (
I’ve listened to this album a bunch of times, and I honestly cannot say if I like it, hate it, find it to be suitable background noise or a waste of time. (
Tittelsporet tar oss med til informasjonsteknologiens skranglete bakgård, hvor maskinene har gått berserk på en halvt kontrollert, halvt manisk måte. Det er et enerverende og ikke spesielt lystig sted å oppholde seg. Det andre sporet, «birth, sex, death», har et mer variert uttrykk. Her går assosiasjonene delvis til de tidlige Nintendo.spillenes fabelaktige univers, delvis til å føde et endeløst piggtrådgjerde. (Universitas)
Det ligger en eim av død og ødeleggelse over det hele - et lappeteppe av forlengst gravlagt, halvråtnet musikk, hentet opp i dagslyset igjen. (
Record Label: Vendlus
Type of Label: Indie