About Me
Trine and Kim Sølve - Illustrators and designers (female and male in case you wondered), living and working together in Oslo, Norway.
Some current/former clients include:
Darkthrone, Mayhem, Zweizz, Virus, Ulver, Ved Buens Ende, Arcturus, Organ, Nocturno Culto, Ihsahn, Manes, When, Fleurety, Babyflesh, Abscess, She Said Destroy, Code, Ephel Duath, Solefald, Denture, Bomberos, Thou Shalt Suffer, Origami Galaktika, Skumring, Audiopain, DHG/Dødheimsgard, Moon Lore, Anthony Curtis, Upland, Vesen, Malice In Wonderland, Koldbrann, Formloff, Peccatum, Wåttamezz, In Lingua Mortua, The Kovenant, Ansur and more.
Jester Records, Tyrant Syndicate, Neurot Records, Voices Music & Entertainment, Moonfog, Peaceville Records, Vendlus Records, Neuropa Records, Interregnum Records, Duplicate Records, Audio Savant, Nocturnal Art Productions, Candlelight Records, Earache Records, Mnemosyne Productions, Avantgarde Records, Season of Mist, Tibprod, Waterfall, Spikefarm, Art Music, Karisma Records, Apocalyptic Empire, Twilight Vertrieb and more.
Performance arts:
The Norwegian National Opera, Sølvi Edvardsen,
Dansens Hus, Toyboys, Panta Rei Danseteater,
Molitrix Scenekunst, Crotonic X, Kristina Gjems, Notodden Teater, Chatmove, Masja Abrahamsen, Tidens Teater, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.
Artists and galleries:
Eigil Madsen, Fredrik Kjensli Braaten, Ulla-Mari Brantenberg, Galleri Kampen, Anna-Liisa Silenti, Galleri Svalbard, Telemarksgalleriet.
Cornelius Jakhelln, Norsk Litteratur Festival, Tiden Forlag, Mikaelforlaget.
Mute (Norwegian music magazine), PÃ¥ Spissen (Norwegian dance magazine), Lise Falch, Fredrik Arff, Forandring Fryder, Universitas.
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Portfolio excerpts: