Metrom profile picture


About Me

Metrom Live / 21032009 WEM2Randal Bratislava
Free download

photo by hyogensha 2009
Metrom is a dark music project from Bratislava, Slovakia. We started in summer of 2007 to experiment with our musical ideas. The idea behind Metrom's music is to musically express death. The emotions and concepts related to death. In 2008 we bring you our first release, a self-released CDR EP Atra Dies with two additional tracks by our other musical project Yspotua.
24.01.2009 PRAHA [CZ] @ Roxy NoD
21.12.2008 BRATISLAVA [SK] @ Randal
29.10.2008 TRNAVA [SK] @ Art Club
07.09.2008 DRESDEN [D] @ Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz
06.09.2008 KLADNO [CZ] @ Tyt
08.08.2008 BANSKA STIAVNICA [SK] @ Stary Zamok, Festival 4 Zivly
Limitovaná edícia tričiek
WEM2 (10 Euro + poštovné)
Metrom (15 Euro + poštovné) zopár červených
kontakt [email protected]
Limited edition t-shirts
WEM2 (10 Euro + shipping)
Metrom (15 Euro + shipping) also a few in red
contact [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 23/11/2007
Band Members: Nenad Brankovic
( guitar, violin & sounds )

Michal Tornyai
( keys, mandala & sounds )

Influences: Musical genres we get inspired by: Ambient, Dark Ambient, Doom Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Industrial, Drone, Noise, Avant-garde, Experimental, Classical Music, Contemporary Classical, Neo-Classical, Martial. All kinds of Visual Arts are our great inspiration.
Sounds Like: METROM sounds like the sound of rotting flesh METROM sounds like black color METROM sounds like a deathbed lullaby METROM sounds like the last breath METROM sounds like something is not quite right
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Metrom v Radiu_FM

8.12.2008 v relacii Headbanger_FM zazneli 3 tracky od Metromu
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 02:18:00 GMT

Metrom Interview

Interview s clenmi Metrom najdete tu:
Posted by on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 16:42:00 GMT

Metrom v Úletkách!

O Metrome si mô~ete pre ítae v Úletkách tu: terUletky_6.pdfakujeme >uom z Voices za podporu!
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 05:34:00 GMT

Recenzia Atra Dies na!!!

Recenzia je tu: l recenzent spravil malú ale dose podstatnú chybu. Metrom a Yspotua nie sú samostatné projekty Brankovi a a Tornyaia, ale v oboc...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 08:49:00 GMT

Atra Dies distributed by Neuropa Records!!!

Our EP Atra Dies was added to the Distributed Records catalogue of Neuropa Records
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 06:03:00 GMT

Atra Dies distributed by Malignant Records!!!

Our CDR EP - Atra Dies is distributed in North America by Malignant Records!!!This is their description of music:"Two death obsessed projects from Slovakia, creating bleak and haunting atmospheres wit...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 01:07:00 GMT

Metrom - Dark Spaces - DETAILS

Our first song Dark Spaces was specially composed for Toluen's Master of Arts degree project at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. This piece played as a soundscape during the exhibition o...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:14:00 GMT