What up all you 'My Spacers?' (I'm so green with this I dont even know what WERE called)So you wanna know a little bit about me .. .Well let me tell you...Got a second:Im from Cali born and raised lived everywhere from L.A. to San Jose ... Bakersfield to Delano!!!! Left Cali in 1989 joined the military copied morse code in the Army for 3 years got out played American Football overseas for 4 seasons came to the United States and pursued Comedy in Washington D.C. 12 years 4 months and a day ago (this was on the 15th of August) Dang that was good .. thats my whole life in a paragraph.What I left out is I have 2 wonderful children Branden (will be 16 in February 07) and Marcus (13 this past July)
I have a Mexican Red Head Amazon Parrot named Pepper that speaks better than some peoples kids (I promise you) You've seen me on every comedy program outside of DEF COMEDY JAM and SHOWTIME at THE APOLLO (I hate when people lie about their gigs) and I'm on the #2 BOUT TO BE #1 Morning Show in Atlanta, GA. (KILLIN EM EVERY MORNING FROM 0600-10am)I have a non-profit program called Positive Vibes where I work with young men between the ages of 9-19...(www.positivevibesinc.org) My passion is with the young people because I have overcome a number of what would be societys 'urban upbringings.' Right now I speak 'life' into children when a man (nothing against you females) But when a man keeps his word with a boy it could change that boys life forever and when a man disappoints that same boy ... BOW ..YOUTH DETENTION CENTERS (Seriously)I was humbled some years ago and I thank GOD for that time. It wasnt the best time and I truly learned who my friends were. Thought I was bigger than the rest of the people I surrounded and the LORD put me in my desert. When I came out of that time in my life (thanks to my pastor Jesse Curney III) I became a butterfly ... ready to do what caterpillars couldnt. I have never lacked faith and my walk has always been in the fathers hands. What I learned the most ...at the end of the day ...What only matters is your relationship with GOD. Everybody else are like shopping carts at a Walmart ... You need them ..but not really.Lotta things going on in my life and you can see them all by going to my website www.GRIFFY2K.com, dont know how to put it all over this account yet. Well thats pretty much my life enjoy the other parts of this site and drop me a line I return all my emails and I'm going to try to keep my blog up to date. Take Care and STay Blessed.
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