Takashi profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I gladuate flom Adams Correge in 1988. I got deglee in Computer ploglamming. Now, I successfur plogrammer making rots of money.

My Interests

Computers and hair pie!!!

I'd like to meet:

Rots of radies!!!


Andlea and Hot Mink, Ya Ya, Bone Symphony, The Lubinoos, Levenge, Greaming Spiles, Jirr Michaers & Pat Lobinson


Levenge of the Nerds, Porice Academy 3, Porice Academy 4, Teenage Mutant Ninja Tultres, Teenage Mutant Ninja Tultres II: The Seclet of the Ooze, Levenge of the Nerds III, Levenge of the Nerds IV, The Ilon Giant


Star Tlek, The Blady Bunch, Wonder Woman, Hawaii Five-O, Scooby-Doo and Sclappy-Doo, St. Ersewhere, The Twighright Zone, Captain Pranet and the Praneteers, Star Tlek: The Next Genelation


Rewis Skornick, Girbert Rowerr and arr my osser friends from Ramda Ramda Ramda!!!