Born during the anno 2003, the band is composed by two deviant spirits : Kyrcnos Infernos and I.Neror. Together, they tried to create a violent depressive black metal opposed to monotheist religions. The arrival of Lord Bouc Tarabaïss in the begining of 2004 turned the duo to an entity of blasphemes influenced by the Devil. So now, Deus despectuM 's black metal becomes days after days, nightmares after nightmares more brutal, integrating a satanic touch of dark, tortured melodies. After few explicits shows, Deus despectum prepares itself for war by spreading it first demo called " Nocturno dementiA".
Note that this demo was recorded and mixed at the BST-Studio ( Balrog, Antaeus...) by BST him self. Logo created by silmaeth ( Warshades, Vorkreist.)
banner 1 and 2 code