Quintessence - writing album profile picture

Quintessence - writing album

Pictavian Black Metal

About Me

Quintessence - Act III - The Cemetery | Ajouter à mon profil


May 2008 - Some news...

Quintessence is currently working on its first studio LP. The recording will take place at Echoes Studio in August, we'll tell you more about it in due time.

Official statement

With the arrival of its new drummer, Quintessence is looking for gigs. Don't hesitate to contact us if you're planning something, it can interest us !
Contact us by e-mail : [email protected]

20th August 2007

The demo is now recorded, you can hear some extracts here, and you can get that by contacting directly the band, or by leaving your name and address by e-mail at [email protected] , it will cost you 5 € (or the equivalent). Don't hesitate to leave comments !

Official statement

Occulta is currently looking for a drummer. The ones who are interested can contact us by e-mail or by leaving us a message on our MySpace . Punks can abstain themselves.

July 2007

The recording of the demo has already begun, it will be released in less than a month, so keep an eye on the upcoming news here !
Also not to miss, the Pacifism Kills demo, which will be out in the end of this month.

May 2007

After a long year of training and preparation, Occulta has launched a first offensive on the deux-sevrian lands with Pacifism Kills, Shapeless and Freax. The demo will be released during the summer, and will be followed by a campaign on these same lands, and beyond…

My Interests


Member Since: 12/11/2006
Band Website: quintessence-official.com
Band Members:
Peste - Guitar

Démence - Vocals

Neurasthénie - Bass

Kyste - Guitar - Keyboards

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

A la recherche de dates / Looking for gigs

Occulta est à la recherche de dates à partir de janvier 2008, n'hésitez pas à nous faire des propositions, elles pourraient nous intéresser ! Contactez-nous sur MySpace ou via [email protected]...
Posted by Quintessence - writing album on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 01:12:00 PST

Still looking for a drummer...

Occulta is still looking for a drummer to be able to go back on stage.If you're interested or if you know someone who could be, please contact us, either by leaving a comment here, by e-mail on MySpa...
Posted by Quintessence - writing album on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 11:16:00 PST

New pics

Heil everybody,There are new pics online, don't hesitate to take a look at the gallery and post your comments!I'm glad that you're so many to support us, and I hope you'll be more and more during this...
Posted by Quintessence - writing album on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 04:44:00 PST

Occulta on MySpace

Henceforth Occulta is present on MySpace, don't hesitate to come to discuss or such, we'll come to see from time to time!Apart from that you can keep an eye on the official website, we can also discus...
Posted by Quintessence - writing album on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 01:57:00 PST