DeathBunny profile picture


poke me in the turdcutter

About Me

Sip from my menstrual cup.

My Interests

My interests are pr0n and pwning yer ass in Sims Online. Die, bitch. My Sim house is bigger than yours. My SimCity 2000 city has more people. My SimWorld is better than your SimWorld. Joo haf b33n pwned!

I'd like to meet:

People who DON'T want to fuck me. Or, who DO, but know they WON'T. Because only those people ever WILL. I have a dildo collection and a dog. I am set, sexually. So tell me why I should add you, without using the word "hot". Good music always accepted.


I'll tell ya what I DONT like. Emo. And Pop Punk. If you are a 14 year old boy singin bout girls THAT AINT PUNK you trendhopping clone. Modest Mouse. Built To Spill. AFI. At The Drive In. Whatever stupid ass shit you THINK is underground and groundbreaking. Bad techno created by mindless kids trying to get laid with no idea of how music works. Makes me wish for the heady days of Hair Metal. At least they had badass guitar solos. And wore less make up. And were more manly. I love Gay people, and straight guys who dress all girly to get fucked make me wanna poke em in the eye with my colon loaf.


I must admit a deep love for late '90's Gay Cinema: Jeffrey, Its My Party, Relax, Its Just Sex, Love! Compassion! Valour!, Kiss Me Guido... mainly because they mix comedy and drama so well. Come at me with the "acting talents" of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon and I will burn our eyes out with my own stomach acid, while making sure the last thing you see is Eric Roberts in Its My Party to show you how a great script can pull great acting out of a mediocre talent. "Directors" my flaming asshole. Direct these shitsoakers off your fucking movie. More in my journal. Yes, I am a film dork. Fear me.


television exists only to provide me with masturbation material when my comp is down. Why do they never show old episodes of Dance Party USA? That shit was the BOMB. I came all over 16 year old Kelly Ripa's face, cootch all up on the TV. Those were indeed the days. Now, even tickling one out to "Real World" is a stretch. I may have to buy the reissue of Alyssa Milano's excercise video.


Daniel Bukszpan wrote the best book ever, "The Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal". Lose your Linkin Park records and do what he says. Now. And if you think your shit is dark, you little goth wannabe, read some Samuel Beckett. Or Jean Genet. Educate, young dilletante, educate.


My heroes are the brave men and women who have stood up for their rights in this country - Wymyn, African-Americans, Gay/Lesbian/Transgendered (Bisexuals just piss me off....greedy fucks....waaaait a minnit.....), other "minorities". They have shed blood to gain the same rights as the rest of us. Kill Whitey. Right motherfucking on. Kill Whitey.

My Blog

The Retard List Continues!

ues! Body: From: I'm the Bad Guy Date: Oct 10, 2005 3:40 PM Flag spam/abuse. [ ? ] Subject: No Subject Body: r u willing to take a chance Am I dangerous? Ask yourself, why hasn'...
Posted by DeathBunny on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:39:00 PST

This is how you do it, kids:

~MIZIKE~ Date: Sep 26, 2004 08:18 PM Subject: Dear Death Bunny... Body: Dear Death Bunny, I think your profile shows a side of you (almost) every girl has but is to fake and prissy to show it. I...
Posted by DeathBunny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Illiteracy is SUCH a problem!

From: Paolo Date: Nov 7, 2004 05:02 AM Subject: eatable Body: oooh gurl i can just eat up. so many ways i can please ya, you feel me. definitely my flava This is what you get for voting Repu...
Posted by DeathBunny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!

You KNOW this guy just sends this to everyone. From: nick Date: Jun 27, 2004 04:10 PM Subject: Knight with a mission, looking for a Faerie in disguise... Body: I tried to find a meaning t...
Posted by DeathBunny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Here we go again!

om: Darious Date: Sep 13, 2004 04:03 AM Subject: yo Body: u got a nice fuc face sweet, dude. Considering my pix were down, that is an interesting come-on. From: featheR Date: A...
Posted by DeathBunny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

To the rice kids!

OK, to all of those who met me this summer at the Tire Rack booth at the various shows and races, thanks for making this the best summer ever. For those who don't know, I interned as a product special...
Posted by DeathBunny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Poking my head up.

You may have noticed I havent been here for awhile. Long and short of it is that the last few months have been consumed with most of the not so nice things that life has had to offer. I'm not going to...
Posted by DeathBunny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Shit List!

Here it is, peeps, the lame email thread. If you see yours, and I added you anyways, consider this a warning. First emails will not contain names, subsequent failures to exhibit effort will contain na...
Posted by DeathBunny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Good Examples:

From: ***** Date: Feb 22, 2004 08:49 AM Subject: Hi Body: I was born in Borneo in the middle of the jungles! Raised in the rainforests till 12 then packed in a small box and brought to Singapor...
Posted by DeathBunny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Cool Stuff

Gotta represent! "I'm part of a undaground hip hop group outta Richmond CA called The Real Pac Dime aka Pac 10. We got a album droppin next month. Check out our temp page for some audio. www.zebox....
Posted by DeathBunny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST