Marty profile picture



About Me

Parent to a twelve year old son, professional comedian, videographer, amateur philosopher, tech head. Some may say I'm a bit on the dark side, but I fancy myself to be a realist. I'm your everyday kind of guy with a negative sense of humor, a dislike for high-pitched sounds and skin so silky I can't help but to feel superior.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Basketball, all aspects of filmmaking and video production, being bald

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, so I could ask him what really happened ...assuming he could speak English.


I mostly listen to polyphonic ring tones.


Godfather I & II, Apocalypes Now, Annie Hall, Ordinary People, Adaptation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Capote, Bewitched (kidding)


Just about all of the original programming on HBO.


The entire series of the "Worst Case Scenerio" books.


Anybody who's a lawyer - you people always change the world for the better - good job, soldiers of humanity.