Looking for a wallpaper for your computer? Can't imagine why I would suggest this site , but I think if you're checking out this profile, you might be interested in the ones up on this website
Hmm, how 'bout who do I already know? :)
I am trying to invite as friends people who I think are either fans of Brotherhood, or who are likely to watch and enjoy Brotherhood based on their profiles/interests. (For instance, Sopranos fans, given reviewers have called the family of Brotherhood the "Irish Sopranos.") If you aren't familiar with Brotherhood check out the media player below. There are some video clips, including one that gives a good "briefing" on the show... and for those who aren't already watching, the videos just might let you know why I've invited you to be my friend.
Looking for one of those fun quizes that gives you "results" you just HAVE to post on your myspace profile??? Well, we've got a brotherhood one for you! Take the Brotherhood Morality Quiz and discover just how far you'd go for a member of your family... and if your brave enough... paste the results into your profile, or post 'em in your blog and let the world know! Clearly, nothing comes between you and your family. But watch out.
Sometimes protecting your family can do more damage than good.
I have to admit, there are a few actors that I've recently gotten it into my head that I'd like to see every project they have ever worked on... let's see, their names would be:Kevin Chapman
Stivi Paskoski
Ethan Embry
Fionnula Flanagan
Annabeth Gish
and Jason Clarke
Are you friends with your favorite L Word characters?
The folks who decided those without Showtime shouldn't have to go without the wonderful world of Brotherhood... Yup, you guessed it, Brotherhood is coming out on DVD in September, 2006