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This profile is mostly for networking but heyyyy if you're the police, a firefighter, or wear a uniform of any kind then I really like you...and you should definitely feel free to write. IF I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH YOU OR HAVE TAKEN A HUGE LIKING TO YOU IT DOESN'T MEAN THOSE FEELINGS CAN'T DISAPPEAR IN 2 SECONDS FLAT IF YOU DO ME WRONG. I love being in love and sometimes create a crush or obsession so I can "feel" like I am in love. Does that make sense? It makes life more colorful, interesting and my heart skip a beat every time I hear that person's name or their voice. If I think there might be something there in someone's eyes I jump right into it without looking or thinking first. I like crazy lovers. I like someone who is like me and would drive 5 hours just to see the one they're crazy about for ten minutes. If I think you could possibly be "the one" I will pretty much drop everything for you and I'll give you almost anything. My eyes will never wander and nor will the rest of me. Haven't met anyone who is like me in these respects other than my first gf whom I was with 7 years without a single day apart...well, I think there was one and I came right back the next day. LOL Just couldn't be away from her or let her go. We still keep in touch also. I'll love that girl forever. We went through hell and back. I met her in such a crazy way and for 7 years we lived a life that was just...insane! LOL But I have never met anyone other than her that felt just like I did, that just melted into me, no ands ifs or buts about questioning (and that's pretty difficult with me...I question every FUCKING's pretty hard to find. It is... (I'll have to craete a long blog in regards to that because I could go on and on and on about love and blah blah blahhhhhhhhhhhh I'm looking for someone who can have that type of crazy relationship with me but it's truly hard to find. I want someone like that who is crazy about seeing me, writes me letters, tells me they love me everyday, doesn't look at anyone else and NOT because you're sitting right there ahahah but because it's only YOU they want, never wanting to spend time apart--not even a second (although we all need our fuckin space lol---u get the point), someone you spend so many years with that you know them front, back, left, right, inside and out, someone who calls you 50 times a day, who can't wait to see you when they're off of work, who can't wait to just get home, crawl in bed naked with me, and a cocktail of course, and take a deep breath and smile ear to ear because they are so fucking content with exactly where they worrying, no fears, no exasperation, desperation or anxiety...just pure and simple truth and trust....When I fall for someone I usually fall right into that crazy love mode. I don't like liars and I despise cheaters. I have a lot of friends but usually choose to be a loner...Whiskey is my poison and it goes down like H2O...I wish Piper Perabo was a full blown lesbian and wanted me all to herself... Let me just say this is a long f**kin "about me" section and if you want to complain about it leave a note in the comment box LMAO I don't give a sh*t. You're the dumb azz who's still reading this now. I AM SO GLAD TO BE ALIVE!! Just recently I was in a severe car accident. My car flipped over twice and skid through an intersection upside down. I woke up hanging from my seatbelt and then crawled through glass to get out what was left of my car...with the phone calling people in my other hand...yeah...I can handle anything, I swear, and have almost died more than a handful of times (I am not kidding)...but wow... I was told I should be dead right now...really, I should. Without that seatbelt...ugh. Someone wants me here, obviously LOL OK so seriously folks! Be happy with what you have in life right now! Just be happy. I sure as hell am and I am happy for many other things which now, if you have the friggin patience to get through this "about me" section, you will find out every little thing I am happy for. Good luck and godspeed. ahahah I don't know where that came from. I was supposed to join the army with my bro and decided not to when I accepted a position at a wine company LOL I would have loved the army and hated it also of, course, but HUGEEEEEEE props to my bro for making it through and getting into the Honor Guard of all things! My bro was marching and taking care of the fu**ing president. I have never been more proud or looked up to anyone more than my bro...well parents of course...but blood is blood...I am a hard ass because of my family...we are the sweetest people ever! We help everyone! Majority of my family is in the health care mom is a nurse, my dad is a hospital consultant, my bro was in the army and a pharm tech and ME? Nothing as good as the rest of my family but heyyy...I have done my share of helping people. Defeats the purpose to tell you what I'm talking bout. hahaha Blahhhh anyways... I like to freestyle keep writing and writing and never stop until you get writer's block and then you just keep writing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over until you lose the block...ahahah...My writing definitely could fall into the A.D.D.-type category. Ask me if I give 2 craps (I am being facetious here peeps). My largest turn on and quick and easy way to win my adoration are loyalty, defensiveness and protectiveness. People who defend and protect me. Do it once and I'm there to the end! I LOVE that! I would do anything to protect my friends and they do the same for me. That's why I have a best friend with a fabulous headbutting technique who will knock your a** down and grind you into dirt if you yell at me, make me cry, throw large objects at my head(let's say something like a tv or a vcr hahah) kick me out or throw my ass across a room... (which I feel so bad for that poor soul that got a headbutt from both of us...accidents DO happen. lol), another best friend and co-worker who will slap you into next week and can throw down just like me and FOR me, a wonderful brother who has a temper just like me and always has my back and vice versa (though occasionally we fight...we just look back and laugh...blood is blood) and I could wrestle a horse down to the ground. So there you have it. You know me you're always protected...those around me know that very well and tell me they feel safe. (These are not my words but I love this lengthy paragraph: DON'T cry over anyone who won't cry over you. Good FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. You can only go as far as you push. ACTIONS speak louder than words. The HARDEST thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else. DON'T let the past hold you back, you're missing the good stuff. LIFE'S SHORT. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it. A BEST FRIEND is like a four leaf clover, HARD TO FIND and LUCKY TO HAVE. Some people make the world SPECIAL just by being in it. BEST FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us. When it HURTS to look back, and you're SCARED to look ahead, you can look beside you and your BEST FRIEND will be there. TRUE FRIENDSHIP "NEVER" ENDS. Friends are FOREVER. Good friends are like STARS You don't always see them, but you know they are ALWAYS THERE. DON'T frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile. What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry? Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them. Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. Most people walk in and out of your life, but only FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart..." Cute, eh?) MY friends also know I never go anywhere and I can always be depended on. I'm one of those annoying people you love that just doesn't go away haha I also try not to hold grudges and am pretty good at it. yeahhhh anyways...I am a caregiver and a passionate lover. I like it nice and slow half the time and the other half rough---BDSM? Don't you WISH I would elaborate...) When I fall, I fall hard and it usually lasts for quite a long time. I am lucky to have met a female I consider to be the largest star, the highest apple in the tree, and the ultimate butch lesbian. She's made me all warm and fuzzy for It's old news...and no secret. But many have come after that crush and have made my world vividly incredible. There's room for a higher love...I am open to that now...come find me. Moving on...god...I love cigarettes after sex, Jameson Whiskey, MGD, Marlboros, Brian Lumley novels, overhearing phone conversations through your cordless ahahah, love a golden tan, working out, sex, good n plenty candy, lemonheads, anything sour. I throw my phone at walls and can't keep white clothes or shoes white. I love clothes but prefer to be without them. I like crazy people--crazy fun and crazy-crazy. I hate repeating myself---hate hearing the same exact thing come out of my mouth like a broken record. It's a pet peeve. Never say huh?, relax, calm down, or take it easy when I'm flaming mad. I like swinging high, leaning back staring at the sky. It feels like you're flying. Crying is a relief. Sneezing sometimes feels just as good as an orgasm. I like to dance alone in my room naked with the windows open to the gorgeous city and a cocktail in hand. I love someone who makes me laugh til I cry. Love children but love to give them back even more. My preference is a chimp rather than a child as you cannot throw a child in a cage and tell them "You stay! I'm going to the bar". I memorize lengthy combinations of numbers in short periods of time. I'm an avid reader and tend to correct people's spelling.****I hate math. I like being lavished but never ask for it. I love getting gifts but get embarassed opening never know how your expression is going to come across and hurt someone's feelings. LOL If you introduce me to someone I will probably forget their name in a matter of milliseconds. I give a firm handshake. I despise saying the words "feelings", "cuddle" or "makin love" although I love doing those things. I like ghetto slang. I'm crazy for bingo, wigs and women. If you reject something I am asking for I WILL ask for your manager (My friend E gets so embarassed). It entertains me. I love that my friends get so excited over my modeling/acting accomplishments...that's the best part of success. Let go completely of the ones who let go of you...if they come back to you then perhaps it was meant to be, right...ahahhaha wouldn't many of us like to go with that? not me anymore...I always know what I want...jump on the train!!! heyyy I am all about throwin' the dice in the air now and keepin my friggin eye out for the snake eyes...find me. I'm a gambler, a drinker, a smoker and extremely fond of sex (did I mention that yet) and don't get interested really unless I am reciprocated. I love my partying and my nightlife but I prefer being curled up naked in bed watching movies and eating food with my lover (whoever it is at that moment...ugh), I tend to hibernate with new relationships and they want the same---those velcro honeymoon stages...I think many lesbians tend to hibernate in the beginning too, wanna grab the U-Haul and move in within the first month (I took off with my first gf which lasted 7 years and had never heard of that stereotype--hahaha NO STEREOTYPE---I just had never heard of that so now I think it's funny) or get married LOL spend alot of time in bed (God...I just LOVE that! Those are the first things I miss after a breakup. LOL...being a lazy, naked, thoroughly entertained glutton in the sheets with someone you're constantly happy and hot for). Blahhhh I love vacations. I love the smell of Mexico, coronas and going shopping drinking a 40. While IN Mexico had a cab driver take a swing at my head, had a girl take a swing at my head at "a bar", ducked, and went right back to chattin with those around me...hilarious, tried to ride a bike standing on the seat with no hands (who in their right mind thought that was gonna work, fought with the boys to be in their "no girls forts" and made my own forts, fought dudes for my bro, my bro fightin' dudes for me later down the road :OD, I used to drink OE (Old English 40) in high school. I ran away every summer. I've been in love often and had many in love with me. I rarely let people take care of me. I hate having the flu. The worst items to vomit are orange juice and pizza. Projectile vomiting in the Exorcist is hilarious. Love when my best friend tells me she loves me and what would she do without me. I had mostly guy friends in high school. Girls never liked me much and hanging with the boys was more fun anyways. I can't stand being cheated on. I hate fighting and need immediate resolutions to fights, problems or confusion. I would love to be a ghost hunter. I wanna learn how to fix cars. I want to be the next "Angelina" except I'm a total lez and promise not to get fake boobs, injections or big lips. The smell and sight of blood excites me for some reason. I wanted to be a criminal profiler, but don't wanna start out on the beat. Clean up the ghetto yourself. ahah all apologies. I have a signed baseball used in a 1952 White Sox game---soemone buy the fu**in thing...I paid $400...will take best offer ahahhaha nahh...I can't get rid of it... I have been writing novels for years that are basically written like a journal containing both facts and fiction in regards to my life. My Pammy was supposed to join me on that. I love my talks with Pammy--speakng of. I wish gizmo were real. I want to go to a swingers masquerade (I don't swing, but am just curious what the parties are like). I used to be a little raver girl. I'm a speaker freak and love hearing Bjork at ear-piercing mind-blowing volume. Don't ever send me into Walgreens...I leave with about $200 worth of...crap. Don't talk to me when I am at McDonalds not standing in line and just walked in? I'm not in line and haven't even looked at the menu yet. And no, I do not memorize the menus for every fast food place like many of you do...for some reason I must think the selection just might change? ha yeahhhh..,,right...sooo... Sitting on a washing machine can be fun. Even better is to put a friend in one and hit start...I'm a Leo and most characteristics about me in astrology are true. If you make me nervous to where I can't speak then I probably have a crush on you. That doesn't happen often so if you are one of them you're ont he top of my totem pole. LMAO I like nerds, geeks, freaks, comedians, magicians, people true to self, writers, readers, non readers and writers, people willing to take chances, people who give up their pride to fall in love at someone's feet like me, watching people fall or say something silly when they're wasted, waking up and making fun of them the next day, stripping for someone I'm in love with hahaha I'm clumsy, I think but I guess I'm told it's hot lol, love playing with guns in bed (unloaded of course---I'm kidding...or am I?), have an obsession with keys (I dunno why), don't like when people hold grudges and u forgive so quickly, like finding people's ticks and am good at it, I like someone that stares at me (sometimes even when it's creepy---I like watching people with obsessions), I studied abnormal psychology and wanted to be a psychiatrist and also teach Greek mythology (Now I am planning on 4 different jobs--no ring here!), writing long blogs--HA! You get it yet? Like I said: you're the dumb azz still reading it, right?, love the life I've led (all of it! I mean ALL of it!), miss those that have come and gone, think scars are attractive, sexy and a HUGE turn on, like extreme sports, a challenge, rushes of adrenaline, fight or flight mode, and just watch when I defend someone who needs defending (Wow! that person will never bother the other again---my girl and I have always had this philosophy that the crazier you act the more intimidated and frightened the opponent will get...this is true!), I am a lover AND a fighter (it goes hand-in-hand for those who are tsk-tsking right now lol), sharing private jokes, speaking with your eyes or the mere brush of a finger, a girl who isn't scared to srop her guard, make a fool of herself for you, sing for you, see no one in a room but you, anything that glitters, like that my personality is extremes of both sides---realism and a dreamer, usually fall in love with a girl that smiles with her eyes---alot of other things don't matter when you see that...grab one if you find them!! *GRIN*, despise the color pink but am attracted to it for some odd reason, I don't get hit on often and if I am I don't get it or they're annoying me or I am not interested, act like a complete fool when I'm in love, I took college credit courses at the age of 11 or 12 years old, I was reading Nancy Drew in first grade, adore tropical vacations, am exhilirated by roller coasters but scared to death of them after a seatbelt incident, Clearwater, FL was probably the best place I have lived (after Chi), I can jetski like a mofo (especially after a few cocktails---I mean, pussytails...ugh. I am studying to be a dental hygienist now. My favorite flowers are lilacs and hyacinths and yes, I love being given flowers. I wish I had wings. I wish fairies, mermaids and unicorns were real. I'd love to retire in the country with cows, pigs and horses..and a llama, ferret, chinchilla and chimp. LMAO Myabe a boarding kennel! Then again I don't think I can ever leave the city life...I want someone to wnat me as much as I want someone I want...ahahah That didn't make sense. Tell me what you thought I thought you thought I thought. ( really gotta think about that one) *grin*--Maxwell...I hate word problems in math. Love bubble baths with a hot gal, red wine, good music, lights down and candles burning...throw in a spliff? LMAO I love that I give too many details about my life. My life is LITERALLY AN OPEN BOOK. I hate being ignored...even more I hate wondering WHY you're being ignored, or why someone left you or why someone you want doesn't want you back. Sometimes I like to drink apple cider vinegar. HA. I'm a fabulous cook and always cook from scratch. I love watching someone I like doing their job...knowledge of their career always makes me hot for some reason. The way someone uses their hands or subtle touching is a telltale sign of...well...don't you wish u knew... I hate talking on the phone. Those that know me hate me cause I never pick up (sorry buttercup! lol) . I have a love/hate relationship with authority. I love hot cars (Volo Car Museum!). Love and miss Hawaii. Want to marry a gal that sweeps me the f**k off my feet like the MANY I have. If I even wanna get married at this point... ahhaha I'm really not kidding about that tho...I'm totally a pimp. I'm kidding again...or am I? Playa (ha one of my friends is told she is, however). I love magicians, buffets, hearing the phone ring and it's my lover, love hearing my lover laugh! Renting a hotel room, stealing a shopping cart and sitting in it guzzling cuervo while my "friend" bashes the cart into walls. Loved being that I was kicked out at a young age and started life on my own at 17 cuz of obvious that I stole a moving truck, picked up my 1st gf ever, drove all the way to Clearwater in a blizzard and woke up on the beach the same day. Love that I dealt with the police there about 20 times in one week (no kidding). Find it hilarious that I got pulled over in that truck on the way to Blockbuster, had to get out with my hands up and walk backwards towards the police and their megaphone only to have them ask who was screaming (it was some weird guy that was singing and drove past us). hahahaha I pointed them in the right direction and was on my way. hahaha Florida cops are backwards!! LMAO They take off to get a guy that was screaming?? But they have 2 chix in a stolen U-Haul and a case of beer between our feet with a felony...hmmm....hahahaha I can't help but laugh. Dropped that truck off at a mall after bashing it into a few things for 3 months. Wiped it down for about an hour, left it and haven't seen it since. LMAO Love that I fell in love with Bjork then, and nagchampa incense, Betty Boop, shopping carts, fighting dudes on the beach and wrecking their car, the [police letting me scream at the guy (after they told me to shutup of course) for specifically TWO minutes before they carted him off to jail to tell his family what he just did...creeps...Loved Ybor city on acid and the hitchhikers and strange people surrounding that area....Just kidding...or am I? Loved our stripper roommate and babysitting her kids...Love my accomplishments, my life, my new car, and am crazy about being in love. I always need to have a crush, interest or new obsession. I don't like being held in classrooms, jail cells, handcuffs, stretchers, small confined places like elevators or anything where I am forced to stay. Kinda like a wild caged animal...rawrrrr hahah I also cringe when it comes to escalators...I grip the rails like I'm about to die, get shaky and suddenly cannot control my footing and feel like I am on a rollercoaster click click click up the hill standing upright with absolutely no seatbelt. I become disoriented-my equilibrium off. I love climbing trees as high as I can!! Then I end up frozen in the highest limb because I have a fear of heights. Looking down is never a good idea. I hate not knowing what's underneath me in a pond, lake or ocean. It's creepy. I skipped school and still graduated early. I dated someone who was 39 at 19 with a mullet and a southern accent...AND was my boss... you HAVE to be laughing now. Wierd I like dancing, running or talking on the phone in a warm summer rain at dusk. Love an aftersex attracted to eyes (and if they smile with you when you crack a grin...makes me melt when it's made apparently just for me) and the back of necks...yum. I love clothes and have a closet the length of a tennis court LOL although I only tend to wear a few items. I love tacos. Love homemade tamales doused in sour cream, lime and hot hot hot sauce! Spicy foods! Crab cheese wontons. ANYTHING FRIED WITH RANCH (see blog for details on my passion for ranch...haha) love bondage fairies comic books (pam & phil aww). I like driving through the ghetto to observe poverty and gangbanging ( taht the right word to use her.. lMAO hmmm). LMAO I know...I'm totally wierd and definitely do not conform to society (in a good way though). Many people praise me on being confident, headstrong, won't take failure or "no", speak my mind and don't worry about offending people (it's simply my nature to be honest and upfront...I always speak exactly what I am thinking. I do not edit my conversations), and that I live life by my own rules, follow the beat of my own drum, and don't give a crap if people stare, talk or think I am crazy or wierd. I'm envied for being different. Most cannot be as bold as I am. I watch a crapload of movies and am a huge horror movie fan. The shining is my ultimate movie with Jack Nicholson being my favorite actor. I LOVE CHIN-SHAN!! I really really like bein comfy in bed on satin sheets, gettin a lil cheeched and watching Family Guy (that sh*t is hilarious If I were to marry a celebrity I would marry Angelina Jolie although I certainly have a few others in mind *grin* I like passionate lovers...lovers that border on obsession, gaze at me every time they see me, get butterflies, get so turned on in the sack that they can't breathe--where everything just becomes fluid and entangled between. God I am sappy. Don't you wish I were done writing yet? ha I love the summer, the beach, swimming, all water sports, rollerblading,volleyball, dance, kickball, dodge ball, or any type of sport requiring tackling (I SWEAR to god...I am definitely mistaken for someone who can't hold their simply give me the upper hand...I'll play on my outer fem attributes. Just stand there looking confused, pretty and naive and next thing you know I'm in the lead or your ass is on the ground. Score for me! ahahha lol) ice skating, snowmobiling, fishing Let's see...I'll build on this later, I guess, but I am a professional model that started at the bottom and am definitely making my mark without a helping hand. My most recent accomplishment being the featured lead role in R. Kelly, Kid Rock and Ludacris' new video "Rockstar". I'm a crazy & wild yet laid-back gal. I've gone from leaving everything behind taking a cross-country road trip to Florida and living on the beach for months with nothing (homeless basically lol) to just relaxing indoors with a few horror movies and a home-cooked meal (buffet-style of course-I can EAT!) I have moved to various states since I was 12. Born in Saginaw, MI and moved to Raleigh, NC, Gurnee, IL, Aurora, CO, Bradenton, FL, Clearwater, FL and back to Illinois again in various random, sporadic places. Ha....lived a gipsy life for a while. I live life to the fullest. I gave up a job at a mansion with millionaires to pursue modeling. I do something crazy and new every single day of my life. ; I rarely feel regret and am never ashamed of who I am or who I have become. No regrets. I've lived in poverty and luxury. I am no saint and will never be an angel. I SURVIVE. It takes GREAT risk to gain the glory and I have taken many great risks that were worth it. I have a great family. My brother just got married and his wife is the best! I have slowly been increasing my contacts and am seriously considering moving to California or New York. Yes, I am a lesbian (you all ask but it's right there in my profile LOL.) My life is on a path of great change and whatever will be will be. (It changes every day!) I am grateful for so many things in my life from my friends, my family, my accomplishments, my career, my strength, my incredible drive, my unwillingness to give up, my past, my present and the amazing future ahead of me. I wake up every day and say thank you for these things. I still can't believe some of the things that I've been thru in my life....geez...but many of my dreams that I have made come true sometimes just don't feel real. They truly are real though and The power of positive thinking is absolutely incredulous and will take you far. You can have everything you've ever dreamed of if you believe..."Stand often in the presence of dreamers; they tickle your common sense and make you believe the impossible"...Ciao dolls...This was soo long! keep up with my blogs for more...Much luv, Erin


Raphael Saadiq! Total, D'Angelo, Tyrese,The Moldy Peaches, Tupac, Bjork, Aerosmith, Maxwell, Lenny Kravitz, Boomkat, Sweetback, R. Kelly,JODECI, K-CI & JOJO, Janet Jackson, Missy Elliot (F*** she's HOT!!), Kelly Clarkson, Don Henley, Ne-yo,Ashanti,Fleetwood Mac, Journey, Chicago, Frank Sinatra, Madonna,Craig David,Mtume,Patsy Cline, Donnell Jones, THE ROOTS,Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Deelite, Sublime, Madsion Avenue, Lifehouse, Goo Goo dolls, Tori Amos, anything by Paul Johnson or Mark Almaria (love Chicago house)


SILENT HILL!!!! Dancer in the Dark, The Abandoned, Resident Evil series, Clockwork Orange, 4 Rooms, Original Sin, Breakfast @ Tiffany's, butterfly effect, Chances Are, Career Opportunities, Catacombs, Titanic, As Good As It Gets, Somethin's Gotta Give, HIdeous Kinky, Never Talk to Strangers, Mouth to Mouth, Juno, The Ring, In the Mouth of Madness, Seven, 12 Monkeys, Ab Fab series, Imagine Me & You, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Too Wong Fu, Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, 50 First Dates, The Emperor's Groove, Lost and Delirious, Hellraiser series, Jacob's Ladder, Tommyknockers, Sleepwalkers, anything with Will Ferrell or Anna Faris, Wicked, Return to the Blue Lagoon, The Secretary, Stay Alive, Hard Candy, anything with JACK NICHOLSON!!!(would love to meet him)The Shining is the ultimate movie. GOOD LUCK CHUCK (my new fav movie)


Family Guy, Futurama, Simple Life, Robot Chicken (someone got me stuck on adult cartoons...I love them), Dexter, Most Haunted, Weeds (I watched the whole series and want more! Fabulous!), SHIN-CHAN!!, Lucy: Daughter of the Devil (OMG hilarious), Kalifornication :OD


"The Shining" by Stephen King, "Season of Passage" & "Whisper of Death" by Christopher Pike, all Brian Lumley novels, Bondage Fairy Comic books, any kind of BDSM or erotic novels, self help/inspirational writings, all horror, thriller, mystery/suspense novels, mad comic books...ha


My Mom & Dad, my brother, firefighters (CFD), military (my brother and my father), police (CPD), paramedics, my awesome friends, anyone like me that's willing to die for a stranger, anyone who can let go, not be stubborn,drop pride, has the ability to fall in love, someone who helps others selflessly (THOSE ARE THE REAL HEROS!!) anyone that wears a uniform basically and is willing to fight for me *grin*
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Amazing Grace Crackhead Bum Vs. Invisible Man (German) Dancing salsa crackstar Gold shopping car--THAT'S MY RIDEEEE!!! ...
Posted by CRUSH on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 10:44:00 PST


Wild and Crazy Random SurveyTake this fun survey filled with crazy random questions.Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?  Do you want my list?  The d...
Posted by CRUSH on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 04:55:00 PST


Your LoveHow did you meet?Through my .."old.." best friendWas it love at first sight?heehee  maybe...wowFavorite thing about them?Can..'t pick a favoriteMost annoying thing about them?Nothing rea...
Posted by CRUSH on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 04:36:00 PST


Posted by CRUSH on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 04:20:00 PST


"Know what I’m thinking? No. Neither do I; frightening, isn’t it?..." E~
Posted by CRUSH on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 02:00:00 PST