UnUnUnium profile picture


My great grandparents were cousins.

About Me

I feel that I am calculating, avaricious and cold, marked by an unyielding desire to claw my way to 'the top' without regard for the suffering of my fellow human beings- The towering gazebo of my ambition is painted with the thin blood of the meek.
My friends, however, will tell you that I'm a warm, charming individual with an easy smile and an open heart, which means that my ruse is, as yet, undetected.
Actually, I am friendly....frequent sardonicism is for entertainment purposes only. I like to snuggle, and I rarely become angry unless physically threatened or someone gives me "bunny ears" in a photograph.
I'm from the states studying in London.


My Interests

Animals (snuggling, attacking, nursing, being born, dying, etc.), Material Determinism vs. the Happy Magical Dancing Ponies of the Endless Firmament, sex, cats, music, and increasingly, mortality. Imminentizing the Eschaton, dancing, laughing, sitting alone, staring off, mouth agape, eyes empty.... The gnostic obviation of the flesh machine.

I'd like to meet:

Old and new friends. UK people. Wonderdog and his trusty sidekick, Alan the Albacore. Eventually, artists for large scale participatory and interactive media projects. Someone with which to exchange accordion lessons for MaxMSP/audio technology instruction. Someone who can teach me electronics and physical computing skills. People with cats who like to play backgammon all night long.


A little bit of almost everything-really and truly. Folk, Roots/Reggae, Dub, Electronic, Classical, Experimental/Sound Art/Concrete, Hip Hop, African, Middle Eastern, Latin, African, Klezmer, 'Mountain Music', Jazz, Rock, Punk, Funk, things I hear, can't identify, and never hear again.... Things I haven't heard yet. I think there is more beautiful music in the world than I could listen to in many lifetimes. My own music.


The Saddest Music in the World. Wax or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees. Fishing with John. Holy Mountain. John Waters, Brothers Quay and Jim Jarmusch...Not too many movies I truly love.




Jakob Von Gunten (by Robert Walser), Beer in the Snooker Club (Waguih Ghali), The Thief's Journal (Jean Genet), My Life in the Bush of Ghosts/The Palm Wine Drinkard (Amos Tutuola), Wittgenstein's Nephew (Thomas Bernhard), The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (by Haruki Murakami), Songs of Innocence and Experience (William Blake), and books by Kathy Acker, James Joyce, Georges Bataille, Mark Leyner, Donald Barthelme and many many more but the old RSI is acting up.....


Etoy. The Yes Men. Brother Theodore. The Ramm:ell:zee

My Blog

Summertime Fun

Posted by UnUnUnium on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 06:58:00 PST


I dreamed last night that I lived somewhere in London in a really swank apartment that had a sort of canal in the courtyard- very pretty, the whole thing overlooked the Thames. It was at night, and th...
Posted by UnUnUnium on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:23:00 PST

Both of my parents...

To this day, both of my parents swear that an old acquaintance of theirs named their newborn daughter "Groovy Tits". "We'll call her Groovy for short", they said. Who am I to question my elders an...
Posted by UnUnUnium on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 04:48:00 PST

John Rare-me

Last nights dream involved, among other things, dinner with Ande and Alex. The restaurant was delicious but expensive and snooty; We were all clearly ill at ease, yet still enjoying a delicious meal o...
Posted by UnUnUnium on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:27:00 PST

Dungeons and Dragons and Dangerous Dances

Dreamt last night that I was driving in a van with an old friend Ian, who had clearly consumed too much alchohol to be driving a motor vehicle (he kept looking back to address me in the rear seat and ...
Posted by UnUnUnium on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 12:40:00 PST

Plastic Surgery Disaster

Last night I dreamt that I went into the doctors office to get a routine check up, and ended up in a plastic surgery ward in the same hospital. I woke up in a bed, IV attached, with an unfamiliar su...
Posted by UnUnUnium on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 12:01:00 PST

Profile Mission Statement.

I grudgingly made this personal profile so as to keep in contact with old friends who will soon be sleeping when I am awake. I hope that I can manage to use it for that purpose; It seems hard enough t...
Posted by UnUnUnium on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 01:21:00 PST