Mr. Wicked profile picture

Mr. Wicked

Don´t be afraid of death - be afraid of a half lived life!

About Me

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Life is short, play more - come in and find out...

My Interests

I love to travel a lot, my biggest thing are the white sharks as I felt in love with it in SA, I love playing soccer, listening to music, hang out with friends, doing funny things and of course paaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I'd like to meet:

Nice people which are open minded and with a big sense of humor. Peole which like to travel a lot and everybody which likes to have rock on!!!
Profile Calendar by


Metallica,Godsmack,Prodigy,QueensOfTheStoneAge,ACDC,Creed,Bi ohazard,MarilynManson,Sepultura,Rammstein,Danzig,TenaciousD, RayCharles,U2,WhiteStripes,Wolfmother,Soundtracks,Junglemusi c,Drum&Bass,Elekto,Progressive,EdRush,DjHype,Kosheen,Mic keyFinn,PinkFloyd,RollingStones,RedHotChiliPeppers,BlueManGr oup and everything that sounds cool...
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SinCity,BigLebowski,PulpFiction,SAW,Hellboy,TheHillsHaveEyes ,MasterAndCommander,LordOfTheRings,Blow,FearandLoathing,Four Rooms,OverTheHedge,Hero,HouseOfFlyingDaggers,XMen,HighTensio n,CityOfGod,OhBrotherWhereAreThou,PerditaDurango,U-Turn,Snat ch,SleepyHollow,FromHell,LockStockAndTwoSmockingBarrels,Antz ,IceAge,Memento,Underworld,Babel,Apocalypto,RidingGiants,and many many more


Not really, just King Of Queens,LOST,Die Ludolfs and everything on DMAX *g*


All about white sharks,Henry Miller,Verschlußsache BND,So What,Die Götter Von Eden,Jan Van Helsing


CHE, Liard Hamilton, Andre Hartmann

My Blog

Ultimate Tarot Test">> You are The Devil Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard...
Posted by Mr. Wicked on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 01:27:00 PST