FrameShot profile picture


If you keep dodging bullets long enough, one of those bullets will eventually find you.

About Me

"Don't try to catch the bird of wisdom. Rather, make a nest for it and the bird will come to you." - Chinese proverb
Ignorance ceases to be an excuse when it's intentionally maintained. - Ray Cohen (paraphased)
"If you're not able to do the smart thing, then do the right thing." - Serenity
"How can you try to relax?" - Joel Rodriguez
"If your intentions are honorable, and your actions are not, then your intentions are null and void." - Danni (of Violet Images)
"Make no assumptions." - Amy Blue
Talent is not an adequate substitute for common sense. - Chris Tsigalas
"Nevermind... I'm not one to use blackmail when I see it isn't going to work." - Gracie Allen
"The wise man listens when a lesbian gives advice on how to kiss women." - myself
Friends have called me an everyman because it's hard to find just one area where I fit in completely.

I'm curious and quiet, but not shy about myself. I try to avoid saying clever things on purpose - I find that helps keep my foot out of my mouth.

I’ve been into computers and the outdoors most of my life. I’m a photography enthusiast who loves taking scenic, event, and concert pictures as well as pictures at sci-fi and anime cons . I've expanded my equipment and portfolio with the aim to develop my photography into a side-business. (Pun not intended, but please enjoy it all the same.) In meantime, I have fun photographing for web content and advertising for friends. While I like playing video games, I usually spend more time working on my pictures. Since I share the same name as a celebrity, I decided to start using a professional name in reference to photography. A professional photographer once told me, "I like how you frame up your shots," so I decided to adopt "FrameShot" as a screen name.
In addition to my accounts on MySpace and Fotki, I also have an account under the name FrameShot on LiveJournal . Since I started my LJ account, I've been posting most of my blogs there.
Martial arts have been a big part of my life since 1994. I’ve primarily studied Tai Chi Chuan with bits of other styles thrown in.
There's a kinky side to me that doesn't get shown in public much - not in public places, anyway.

My Interests

Martial Arts, Photography, Running, Hiking, Science Fiction, Outdoors, Anime, Online Comics, NPR, Science Fiction and Anime conventions, Computers, Video Games, Cats

I'd like to meet:

I enjoy hanging around people who are open-minded and willing to share their experiences and opinions. People who'd rather bitch at the dark than light a candle get on my nerves.

Don't bother trying to spam me. It ain't gonna work.

I'd like to meet a woman who's an athletic geek-girl and likes martial arts and cats... in short, I'm looking for a warrior-woman.

When it comes to romance, being straightforward works best with me - playing games has left me burnt too many times. I feel both sides should be willing to meet the other halfway. I tend to be attracted to assertive women, and I'd like to date a woman who likes to take control while showing a sense of compassion. All things in life need balance.

I've been finding that love is a bit trickier to find than wisdom...


It's varied... Royal Crown Revue, Ghoultown, Seal, Apollo Smile, The Changelings, Foreigner, Pink, Santana, Lillie Huddleston, Ghoultown, Shakira, Weird Al Yankovic, They Might Be Giants, Glass Hammer...
I like to listen to most genres at some point or another except I never got into country or hip hop.


Lord of the Rings movies, Blade Runner (director's cut of course,) Highlander, Signs, Innocent Blood, Chicago, Project A, Indiana Jones movies, Big Trouble in Little China, The Ring, The Transporter, Twice Upon a Time, Ghost in the Shell, Spiderman, Kill Bill, Marthon Man, Shaolin Soccer, Blade, Serentiy, The Chronicles of Narnia, Cat's Eye (Japanese Action/Comedy, not the Stephen King movie)


The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Doctor Who, CSI, Adult Swim, Babylon 5, Iron Chef, Torchwood, X-Play, Enterprise, The Shield, MythBusters, Chuck, House, MXC, Good Eats, Reno 911, Mail Call, Human Weapon


The Dilbert Principle, Lord of the Rings, the M.Y.T.H., Inc series, Four and Twenty Blackbirds, Ringworld, the Man-Kzin Wars


My parents... nutcases that they are...

My Blog

Tour de Georgia

With all that's going on, I didn't even notice that the Tour de Georgia has been taking place this week.  Fortunately, the tour goes through Sunday if you'd like to catch it.  Even better, t...
Posted by FrameShot on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:46:00 PST

Momo Con 2008 pictures posted

Momo Con was huge in terms of how many people were attended.  They actually had to keep track of the number of people in the dealer’s room to keep the number of people at or below the max c...
Posted by FrameShot on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:39:00 PST

Momo Cons almost here...

This year's Momo Con is March 15th and March 16th (Saturday and Sunday) at the Georgia Tech student center.  I'll be back as a staff photographer and look forward to seeing a lot of friends ...
Posted by FrameShot on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 04:09:00 PST

Our battle of wits is over, and I am the victor!

For nearly a month, I've been locked in battle of guile and cunning against a true match for my intellect... my clothes dryer.  It ran without a problem for almost 9 1/2 years. About six or seven...
Posted by FrameShot on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:50:00 PST

Effortless power workshop

The Dragon Cloud Tai Chi Association is hosting the workshop, "Effortless Power in Healing and Push Hands" by Rick Barrett on Jan. 25th. Mr. Barrett is a former national push hands champion, Tai Chi i...
Posted by FrameShot on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 10:52:00 PST

Conventions around the corner...

Chattacon is January 25-27th. While I keep promising myself to attend Chattacon again, it looks like I'll miss it again this year. I still need to clear out some year-end bills from 2007, buy some new...
Posted by FrameShot on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 11:23:00 PST

Momo Con-on-ice pictures posted

I've posted the pictures I took at the Momo Con social event in Atlanta's Olympic Centennial Park on Dec. 8th.  While the 75 degree temperature created a less-than-ideal conditions at the outdoor...
Posted by FrameShot on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 01:49:00 PST

Just in time for... Christmas? Momo Con ice skating

A month ago, Momo Con's chief executive, Jess, came to me with an idea... doing a photoshoot with cosplayers ice skating.  Yes, ice skating.  Granted, I've been wanting to do an ice skating ...
Posted by FrameShot on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 11:20:00 PST

Lets see if theres any interest...

People have been telling me for a while that I should sell some of my pictures. Most of my pictures are taken at conventions, and I refuse to sell those for ethical and legal reasons. I finally have s...
Posted by FrameShot on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 12:51:00 PST

Overdo Dragon Con recap

The pictures I took at this year's Dragon Con are posted at gon_con_2007/ There's a proverb that goes something like, "The carnival doesn't ...
Posted by FrameShot on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:27:00 PST