care4cause [c4c] profile picture

care4cause [c4c]

Target The Problem

About Me

Our Mission: To get youth involved in the community, by making a difference.I believe that life has a purpose, and that we all play a part… so we need to do our part and make a difference. I’m Carolyn (a.k.a. care) of Care4Cause and I challenge you to target the problem than do something about it.One day I realized that I was tired of just sitting around. I wanted to be out helping others in the community. I believe that in order to get anywhere in life, you must use your own 2 feet… you can’t sit by and wait for someone else to do it for you. Care4Cause acts as my stepping stone, and I hope it’ll be yours too.Any problem, big or small, must be looked after. It could be that there is too much litter in our community, or the fact that an estimated 2.8 million people died of AIDS in 2005. Whatever the case, Care4Cause wants to help. Care4Cause does not have a cure for cancer, nor will we open our own homes to the homeless. However, Care4Cause will organize groups to pick up trash in our community, we will hold benefit concerts and fundraisers to raise money for organizations like the Canadian Cancer Society, and we will raise awareness on issues such as the amount of people still living on street corners. If someone targets a problem, Care4Cause will be right there to help fix it.However, Care4Cause won’t work without your support and participation. There are numerous ways that you can help out:- be a part of the team and show your support with every Care4Cause event - help organize a Care4Cause event - share your personal stories with Care4Cause - send pictures of people making a difference to Care4Cause - read a Care4Cause flier - distribute Care4Cause stickers (coming soon) - show up at a fundraiser and donate your time or money for a worthwhile cause - target a problem, than share it with Care4Cause - send Care4Cause a message and tell us how we could improveThere are lots of ways to get involved with Care4Cause, so get out there and make a difference. Target the problem, than do your part in fixing it. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you may contact me at [email protected]. We are the hope for this world.Thank you,3 care. xox.

My Interests

Helping others, going to concerts, listening to other’s perspectives, photography, travelling, etc.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who's willing to make a difference. Someone who believes that there's still a hope for this world. Someone who has a passion for at least one thing in their life. Someone with an open mind and high hopes. Hopefully, someone like you.

CARE4CAUSE supports many organizations. The ones below, the ones on our heroes list and many others.

Click HERE to get the code for the [above] banner.

Click HERE to get the code for the [above] banner.

THE "OFFICIAL" C4C Promo Video. Click HERE to get the code for this video. Please help us promote it.


All sorts, with a passion for the local scene.


Pay It Forward, Patch Adams.


Stephen Louis Foundation, Cycling for Hope, My Life Will Have Purpose, Canadian Cancer Society, Children’s Wish Foundation, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Kids Help Phone, 30 Hour Famine, World Vision, Habitat For Humanity, Heart and Stroke Foundation, R.O.O.F., Shoot for the Stars, etc. and most importantly, you.

My Blog

30 HOUR FAMINE!!! - get involved with Care4Cause

First of all, i just want to say THANK YOU!!!Care4Cause is so close to my heart, and it's seriously outstanding the amount of amazing feedback and support i've been receiving back. i'm sooo happy that...
Posted by care4cause on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 11:49:00 PST

Care4Cause Sponsors Child...

Hey guys, That's right! Care4Cause has FINALLY sponsored a child through World Vision ( We proudly sponsor Sam, a 3 year old Hope Child from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Sam l...
Posted by care4cause on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 05:45:00 PST

To You, It Looks Like Bark...

But To A Starving Child, It Looks Like Breakfast. In some of the poorest parts of Malawi, starving families eat ground up tree bark to survive. No one wants to eat bark. But When There's No ...
Posted by care4cause on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:32:00 PST

Look Out For These Events!!

So some of you have been asking me for some more details on some upcoming Care4Cause events... and you know how i'm all about giving! So here they are...   Friday, March 9th... Care4Cause Fundrai...
Posted by care4cause on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 06:25:00 PST

Interview with Care4Cause

Hey guys, if you still don't know what Care4Cause is all about, or if you want to help out but you don't know how... please check out and check out the interview ...
Posted by care4cause on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 09:23:00 PST

Worship With Us...

This Friday, December 29th at Waterloo Mennonite Brethren Church (Lexington Road in Kitchener). at 7:00pm. Featuring: My New Obsession, Dear Corban, and The Risen. THIS IS A FREE EVENT! so there is no...
Posted by care4cause on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 05:17:00 PST

Message from R.O.O.F.

Homelessness is not a 9-5 job.  The prevelance of homelessness in Waterloo Region keeps ROOF staff very busy.  Fundraising is a very large part of operating a non-profit - with government cu...
Posted by care4cause on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:33:00 PST

2:30 AM

as tired as i am... i can't sleep. my heart is still racing from the show tonight, and the outstanding success that came of it. i really don't know how else to express my appreciation other than to s...
Posted by care4cause on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 11:50:00 PST


for the Care4Cause Fundraising Show! Saturday, December 9th at 7:00pm What If This Dream Is All We Have featuring: A Moment's Embrace, Worthless Without, My New Obsession, and Skylight Drama. Tickets...
Posted by care4cause on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 04:49:00 PST

Your Pop-Can Tabs can make a difference

hey guys.. if you want to know how to get involved with Care4Cause in a small way, by making a difference in a big way... than please consider the following... The Pop Tab Story began when Ray Pearse...
Posted by care4cause on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 08:49:00 PST