VINTAGE Men's and Women's clothing, fun band tees, pretty much all music related tees (excluding wynonna and chumbawumba), stiletto heels, skirts and tops, guys' western shirts and other misc. button-ups.
10% off with college id. EVERYDAY!
OCOAI T's for $5
The drummer for OCOAI (and owner of Bettye Jane's) was recently hospitalized due to his ongoing battle with crohn's disease.he does not have insurance, and as we all know health care ain't in an effort to help raise a little money, we are selling the brand NEW ocoai shirts for $5.You can pick up one in Bettye Jane's OR online at BettyeJanes.comThanks for your time and your support.
-Bettye Janes
girl's b/w striped rockett-SOLD OUT
everyone....thats cool
Bettye Jane and Lynda Lou