MArk Basile-B.R.A.K.E. open for STEF BURNS 1 Lugl. profile picture

MArk Basile-B.R.A.K.E. open for STEF BURNS 1 Lugl.

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About Me

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SINGER of B.R.A.K.E. ( - ) SONG WRITER, PRODUCER, SYNTHMAN, PIANIST and GUITARIST... now a little biography:
MArk(Marco Basile) inherited by parents the love for singing and music. His mother was a singer, his father a guitarist and singer. When he was just ten he started to study piano, getting on fire for classical music and author as Chopin and Listz.
When he was still an adolescent, the light the Queen! But in his background there are also the groups of his fathers old album: Led Zeppelin, P.F.M., Deep Purple, Three Dog Night and Vannilla Fudge. A secret: some of Marks favorite groups are also artists of the American west coast, like Eagles, Mamas & Papas and Fifth Dimension. However, Dream Teather is the group who represented the revolution for Mark's way of thinking about music. A revolution of odd times, virtuosism and baroque athmospheres. Even better of the beauty music of Europe, Bon Jovi and Mr. Big that was feeding him until that moment.
At the end of high school years, Mark dropped out classical studies of piano. However, it followed studying by himself keyboard too, specializing himself in the use of Synths and Hammond. In the meanwhile, he learned playing guitar, bass and drums, all by himself too. His versatility allowed him to collaborate with a lot of bands with different roles: keyboardist, singer and polystrumentist when necessary! And its just the study of many instruments, together with the classical background, that approached him to arrangement and composition.
When he was 19, after finishing high school studies, Mark started the university adventure (Modern Letters) and, at the same time, took part to a progressive metal band: the Mind Key. With them, in 1999-2000, he realized a promotional demo "Welcome To Another Reality" that reached a quite good consensus. The experience of Mind Key committed him as musician, composer, singer and author of English texts. The results of his work arrived soon. The promotional demo was welcomed with enthusiasm and mentions of merit for Mark himself.
An important moment in Marks carrier is the meeting with the famous Italian singer and author Francesco Boccia (Sanremo 2001). They met during the audition for the musical Carpe Diem inspired to the notorious movie The Dead Poets' Society. His collaboration with Francesco Boccia followed after the musical too. In fact, Mark took part to Boccia’s band as keyboardist and choir member. So he had the occasion of playing in tour with Francesco and, after his participation to Festival di Sanremo, collaborated, as choir member, to his CD Turu Turu and the following tour. The activity as session-man allowed him to appreciate and play musical genres completely different from rock. But, above all, it was an experience that made him grow up as a musician and as a man.
In 2002, Mark was involved into the realization of a disc of progressive rock with S&L, that were realizing their second discographer work. He took part to the disc, titled Time Machine, as singer and as co-author. In the autumn of the same year, he signed his first discographer contract for Frontiers Records with the Mind Key with the debut album A Journey Of A Rough Diamond.
Finally, 2002 is also the year of B.R.A.K.E., and the story goes on, in 2005, the band produced by Luciano Liguori (Bass player and singer of Giardino Dei semplici, historical group of 70s) signs for Videoradio, ( independent llabel which has under contract musicians and artists of international fame. At the October of 2005 their first album “Between Rage And Knowledge Exist” is published, a concentrate of hard rock with a melodic approach (that the 5 boys got us used to), soon obtaining a great consensus from specialized press. Finally, Mark is also involved, as keybordist and as a musician, in many other instrumental project also as a Sound Track composer
In 2007 starts to work with Tony Amodio ( and his producer Manuel De Peppe (MDP Entertainment ) as a guitarist and vocalist and also vocal coach. In 2008 begin the collaboratione with DGM ( & a power prog metal band from Rome as a singer and song writer, another parts of his musical journey starts again. 2008 is also the time of B.R.A.K.E.’s return with new album, new single and new live tour…stay tuned!
CANTANTE dei B.R.A.K.E. ( / ) SONG WRITER, PRODUTTORE; SYNTHMAN, PIANISTA e CHITARRISTA e... Eccovi una piccola biografia:
Mark (Marco Basile) eredita dai genitori l’amore per il canto e la musica. La madre è, infatti, una cantante e il padre è chitarrista e cantante. A soli nove anni, inizia a studiare il pianoforte appassionandosi alla musica classica ed autori quali, Chopin e Listz.
Ancora adolescente, la folgorazione: i Queen. Ma nel suo background anche i gruppi ascoltati grazie ai vecchi album del padre: Led Zeppelin, P.F.M., Deep Purple, Three Dog Night e Vannilla Fudge. Un segreto: tra i gruppi preferiti di Mark anche artisti della west coast americana come, Eagles, Mamas & Papas e Fifth Dimension. Ma sono i Dream Teather a rappresentare per Mark una vera e propria rivoluzione nel modo di pensare alla musica. Una rivoluzione di tempi dispari, virtuosismi ed atmosfere barocche. Nulla di paragonabile alla pur bella musica degli Europe, Bon Jovi e Mr. Big di cui si era “nutrito” sino a quel momento.
Verso la fine degli anni del liceo, Mark abbandona gli studi classici di pianoforte. Continua però a studiare da autodidatta anche le tastiere specializzandosi nell’uso dei Synths e dello Hammond. Nel frattempo, e sempre da autodidatta, impara a suonare la chitarra, il basso e la batteria. La sua versatilità gli permette di collaborare con numerose formazioni musicali rivestendo ruoli sempre diversi: tastierista, cantante e, all’occorrenza, polistrumentista! Ed è proprio lo studio di diversi strumenti, cui si aggiunge la preparazione classica, ad avvicinarlo alle dimensioni dell’arrangiamento e della composizione.
All’età di 19 anni, terminati gli studi liceali, Mark inizia l’avventura universitaria (Lettere Moderne) e, contemporaneamente, forma un gruppo di progressive metal: i Mind Key. Con tale formazione, nel 1999-2000, realizza un demo promozionale dal titolo "Welcome To Anoter Reality"che riceve discreti consensi. L’esperienza dei Mind Key lo vede impegnato in qualità di musicista, compositore, cantante ed autore dei testi in lingua. I risultati del suo lavoro arrivano presto. Il Demo promozionale omonimo, infatti, viene accolto dalle riviste specializzate con notevole entusiasmo e menzioni di merito anche per lo stesso Mark.
Un momento importante della carriera di Mark è l’incontro con il noto cantautore italiano Francesco Boccia (Sanremo 2001). L’incontro avviene durante le audizioni del musical ispirato al celebre film ”Attimo Fuggente” e intitolato “Carpe Diem”. La collaborazione con Francesco Boccia continuerà anche dopo l’esperienza del musical. Mark, infatti, entrerà a far parte della sua band in qualità di pianista/tastierista e corista. Avrà così modo di suonare in tour con il cantautore e, dopo la partecipazione di Francesco Boccia al Festival di Sanremo, collaborerà, in qualità di corista, al suo disco “Turu Turu” ed alla tournèe che ne segue. L’attività di session-man al fianco del cantautore gli permette di apprezzare e suonare generi diametralmente opposti al rock. Ma è un’esperienza che lo farà crescere enormemente; come musicista e come uomo. Nel 2002, Mark è coinvolto nella realizzazione di un disco di progressive rock con gli S&L, che sono al loro secondo lavoro discografico. Al disco, intitolato “Time Machine”, partecipa sia quale cantante, sia quale co-autore. Nell’autunno dello stesso anno, firma il suo primo contratto discografico per la Frontiers Records con i Mind Key con l’esordio discografico “A Journey Of A Rough Diamond”. Infine, il 2002 è anche l’anno dei B.R.A.K.E., la storia continua…nel 2005, e qui siamo ai giorni nostri, la band prodotta da Luciano Liguori (Bassista cantante del Giardino Dei semplici, gruppo storico degl’anni 70) firma per la Videoradio, ( etichetta indipendente che annovera nel suo catalogo musicisti e artisti di fama Nazionale ed Internazionale. Nell’ottobre 2005 il loro disco d’esordio “Between Rage And Knowledge Exist” viene pubblicato, un concentrato di rock potente e diretto coadiuvato da un approccio melodico al quale il quintetto ci ha oramai abituati, riscuotendo da subito ottimi consensi dalla stampa specializzata.
Nel 2007 lavora con Tony Amodio ( ed il suo produttore Manuel De Peppe (MDP Entertainment ) nella veste di chitarrista, vocalist e vocal coach, l’impegno concerne sia lo studio di registrazione che i live specialmente per il tour acustico. Inizia nel 2008 la collaborazione con i DGM ( – ) power prog metal band romana in veste di cantante, contemporaneamente i lavori con i B.R.A.K.E. nn si fermano il 2008 è l’anno del ritorno con nuovi live, nuovo singolo e nuovo disco stay tuned!!!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 8/9/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: ...Mark...
Influences: Freddie Mercury, Jeff Buckley, Chris Cornell, Glen Hughes, Jorn Lande, Russel Allen, Tori Amos, Sarah McLAcklan, Ritchie Kotzen, Queen, Muse, Foo Fighters, 30 Seconds To Mars, Nickelback, Deftones, Sevendust, Him, Disturbed, Evergrey, Staind, Mars Volta, Incubus, Deep Purple, Aerosmith, Toto, Europe, Dream Theater, Pain of Salvation, Extreme, Bon Jovi, Mr. Big, Alan Parson Project, Subsonica, Massive Attack, Mogwai, Portishead, Telefone Telaviv, Amortobin, Derek Sherinian, Jens Johansson, Kevin Moore, Keith Emerson, Claudio Simonetti...and many many others...
Sounds Like: Rock, Metal, Electronic, Progressive,’s me what else?

Official Discography :

- B.R.A.K.E. "Between Rage And Knowledge Exist" Videoradio Distribuition 2005
as Singer and Song Writer

- Mind Key "Journey Of A Rough Diamond" Frontiers 2004
as Singer, Keyboardist and Song Writer

- Mind Key "Welcome To Another Reality" 2000
as Singer, Keyboardist and Song Writer (Official Demo)

Featuring & Side Project as a Session :

- Soul Secret "Flowing Portraits" ProgRock Records as a session singer out on March 28th 2008

- Tony Amodio "Forever" (Single edit version) MDP Entertainment/worldwide digital stores as Hammond Player November 2007

- Tony Amodio "Deja Vu" BMI Manuel De Peppe Enterteinment 2006
as Vocal coach and Hammond player on "Forever"

- S&L "Time Machine" Musea 2003
as Singer and Song Writer on "My Friend My Enemy" and "A Different Man"

- Francesco Boccia "Turu Turu" Sugar/Universal 2001
Backing Vocals

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Heavy Naples Reports

some reports from Heavy Naples Metal Fest: - CASERTA MUSICA - Napoli Rock Community - - Metal Hammer...
Posted by MArk Basile-B.R.A.K.E. open for STEF BURNS 1 Lugl. on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 04:12:00 PST

2 B.R.A.K.E. SONGS ADDED!!!!!!

Here in mediaplayer 2 more songs from Between Rage And Knowledge Exist!!!! "Apocalypse" and "So Close To Lose Myself" Keep on Rokin' *MArk*
Posted by MArk Basile-B.R.A.K.E. open for STEF BURNS 1 Lugl. on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 08:13:00 PST

Italian Gods Of Metal Reports

here some reports from the Italian Gods Of Metal with DGM: - Metalitalia - Long Live Rock n' Roll...
Posted by MArk Basile-B.R.A.K.E. open for STEF BURNS 1 Lugl. on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 08:14:00 PST

MArk Basile joins DGM

ITALIANO (ENGLISH BELOW):DGM - ANNUNCIANO IL NUOVO CANTANTEI progressive metallers DGM, una delle più valide eaffermate formazioni provenienti dalla nostra penisola,annunciano che sarà Mark Basile, gi...
Posted by MArk Basile-B.R.A.K.E. open for STEF BURNS 1 Lugl. on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 01:16:00 PST

New B.R.A.K.E. song added!!!!

Hallo we go!A beautiful Dream Theater song from Metropolis part.2: "Through Her Eyes" added on media's an unplugged version from a live in studio gig with my band :) enjoy!...
Posted by MArk Basile-B.R.A.K.E. open for STEF BURNS 1 Lugl. on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 12:41:00 PST

New Songs

Hallo everyone!!!First of all i've post a new Mind Key's song from "Journey Of A Rough Diamond" that's called Sedret Dream...and then...i've post a "Medley Solos" a new track that mix 4 song/jam and 4...
Posted by MArk Basile-B.R.A.K.E. open for STEF BURNS 1 Lugl. on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 04:35:00 PST

Here it is...a new song added!!!!

..."Spring Star" a backing track by Luca Capozzi, I did a Solo (and the Tema ;)), piano parts and strings on final part....enjoy and let me know what U think about! :) *MArk*
Posted by MArk Basile-B.R.A.K.E. open for STEF BURNS 1 Lugl. on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 02:10:00 PST