Ichinomiya Yoriko (Daija) profile picture

Ichinomiya Yoriko (Daija)

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About Me

【 Ichinomiya yoriko (former "Daija") 】 A singer-songwriter…a model …a dancer…an athlete 【 released (as Daija) 】 2001 Maxi Single “aphrodisiac” (Joya) 2002 1st album “chaos ”(MIDI Creative) Born and raised in Yokohama(Japan) Japanese-English bi-lingualAfter spending 2 years in NYC for studying dancing, She graduated Waseda Univ. (human science)Started playing piano at age of 3 and started composing at age of 6 (classical music) 【 as an artist... 】 [ TVCF ]HOUSE Food "Dish Up MUSAKA"[ TV ][ Break Beats ] / [ Break Beats 2 ] (TV TOKYO) [ Sports AMIGOS] (KANSAI TV) [ song write award ](TV TOKYO) “xiao long ” / “who are you?”  [ song write heaven ](TV TOKYO)  “after the rain”  won the Song writing aword[ Radio ]2000 (FM Urayasu) personatity [ Groovin’ Cool ]2006―2007 (FM Obihiro)  personatity [ Friday Live Show ] / [ Weekend Morning ] / [ Yo! Bright Sunday ][ show ]Diesel/Nina Ricci/Jun Itoh....etc 【 as an athlete... 】 [ Soccer ]She was grown up with a soccer ball.1986-1991 Played for "Yomiuri BELEZA" (Nihon TV BELEZA) Played in "L-League " (Japanese semi-pro top division) won National tournaments and L-league many times1990 Selected player of EAST JAPAN TEAM (All Sar Game)[ Dance ] Dances in any style......ballert, jazz, modern, funk, sometimes hip hop[ Ice/Inline Hockey ]2005-2007(Ice hockey) played for team " Mikage GRETZ " (at women’s top division)2004-2007(Inline hockey) World Championships player (Japan National team assistant captain) (2004@Czech / 2005@Canada / 2006@France / 2007@US) 【 recently... ? 】 She took a break from music for 5 years while playing (ice/inline) hockey. She spent 3years in Hokkaido (North Japan) just to play hockey.2007, after retirement from hockey, she came back to the music scene again.She used be an artist called “Daija”. But switching to acoustic music from computer-based one, she decided to use her real name as a musician.“Yoriko Ichinomiya”Recently she plays acoustic at live houses in Tokyo mainly.Singing in Japanese and english. Her style of music, classical/jazzy approach, is quite unique. She has received high appraisal with her originality and her beautiful melodies.Ichinomiya Yoriko Official Web Sitehttp://www.ichinomiyayoriko.com/

My Interests


Member Since: 4/19/2008
Band Website: ichinomiyayoriko.com/
Band Members: Ichinomiya Yoriko (Daija)
Sounds Like: 【 REVIEWS 】: :名前の“Daija”は、ダイジャではなくデイジ アと読む。しかしこの作品『Chaos』は、ダイ㠂¸ãƒ£ï¼ˆå¤§è›‡ï¼‰ã®ã‚«ã‚ªã‚¹ã¨ã„ã£ã¦ã‚‚ã„ã„ã‚ˆã†ãªé ›°å›²æ°—をたたえている。実在するようなしな㠁„ã‚ˆã†ãªã€å¤¢ã¨ã†ã¤ã¤ã®å¢ƒç•Œç·šã®æ··æ²Œã¨ã—ãŸé œ§ã®ä¸­ã‚’さまようような怪しさ。しかも大蛇㠁Œå¥³ã¨ãªã‚Œã°ã€æ€–ã•ã ã‘ã§ã¯ãªã„ä¸å¯æ€è­°ãªé ­…惑が生まれてくる。身の毛がよだつような㠀ææ€–ã§ã¯ãªãå®˜èƒ½ã€éžç¾å®Ÿçš„ãªç•°æ¬¡å…ƒã®ä¸–ç •Œã«è¶³ã‚’踏み入れてしまいそうな危うさ、イ㠂±ãƒŠã‚¤ã“ã¨ã®æ°—æŒã¡ã‚ˆã•ã€ãã‚“ãªã“ã¨ã‚’ã“ã®ä ½œå“ã¯æ•™ãˆã¦ãã‚Œã‚‹ã€‚ (角野恵津子/CDジャーナル)Daijaのファースト・アルバムは、稀有な愁色㠁«æº¢ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ã€‚æ·¡ãã‚‚ç”˜ç¾Žãªãƒ´ã‚©ãƒ¼ã‚«ãƒ«ã«ã€ä ¸€æŠ¹ã®ä¸å®‰ã¨å¯‚しさを漂わせた詞。シンセや㠂®ã‚¿ãƒ¼ã‚’主体にロック・ダブ・ブレイクビー㠃„ãªã©ã‚’å·§ãèžåˆã•ã›ãŸã€ãƒŸãƒ‡ã‚£ã‚¢ãƒ ãªæ¥½æ›²ç ¾¤ã€‚それらが相まって、彼女の声の奥底に潜㠂€ã€å¾®å¦™ãªå¿ƒã®ç¿³ã‚Šã‚’æµ®ãå½«ã‚Šã«ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«æ ˆåŠŸã—ている。 随所に知的な構成やセンスを感じさせる、ス リリングな作品だ。  (金田美穂子 / TOWER RECORD bounce)リズムを主体としたミステリアスな音楽。既 成のジャンルにとらわれず、ビジュアル、ダ ンスを含めたトータルの表現力を持つ。ケイ トブッシュを思わせるサウンドが魅力的だ。 (CDジャーナル)艶かしいグルーヴを操るディーバ。甘く囁く ような、けだるいヴォーカル。しっとりと濡 れたヴォイスが扇情的で、芳しい香水の薫り が届いてきそうな・・・匂い立つ色気を放つ ミステリアスでムーディーなダンスチューン 。シルクのように滑らかに、ベルベットのよ うに淡い光沢をまとう。揺らめいて消え入り そうなサウンドに、何かに魅入られたように 引きつけられてしまう。 うっとりと深く沈んでいくような陶酔感。所 々に散りばめられたアジア的要素もアクセン トになっていて、ディープな世界を演出して いる。全曲本人の作詞・作曲。緻密に作り上 げられた音世界は、極めて妖艶な魅力を持っ ている。 どこか謎めいた佇まいはさしずめ、一度はだ まされてみたい"魔性の女"といったところだ㠂ã†ã‹ãƒ»ãƒ»ãƒ»ã€‚           (music axess)ニナ・リッチやDIESELのモデルなどで知られる デイジアがファースト・アルバムを発表。ク ラブ系の音と彼女の妖しいヴォーカルが絡み 合って、さながら日本版ビョークといえる音 が誕生した。 (CDジャーナル)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・ 【 REVIEWS 】: :As Japanese, “Daija” means a “big snake” . (although her artist name is pronounced Dei-jia) . This album “chaos” had an atmosphere of “big snake’s chaos”. Mysterious like wandering in chaotic fog, like walking on the borderline of dream and real. Moreover, if the big snake is a real woman, it makes more mysterious enchantment.It gives you trembles from sensuality not from fears, gives you a dangerous desire to step in an unreal world, shows you how sweet the immorality is. (Etsuko Kadono/CD journal) Full of colors, full of emotions. This album is certainly rare, it shows her drifting sadness. With her sweet whispering voice, the poetry contains her deep darkness.Rock, dub, break beats, all is well-mixed in this medium tunes. This synthesized / guitar music seeks lurking shadow in her voice, succeeds to bring the darkness of her soul into the light. An intellectual composition, the talented sense of music… It is a thrilling work. (Mihoko Kanada/TOWER RECORD bounce)Daija known by the model of Nina Ricci and DIESEL etc… released the first album. Mixing the club-like sound and the mysterious voice of hers, It can be said the Japanese Bjork was born. (CD journal) Intoxicating …Smooth as silk, Shimmering as velvet….This Diva manipulates rich grooves and sweet whispering voice. Her soft and sensual vocal brings you to somewhere full of fragrant perfume. Mysterious sound seems to sink or vanish sometimes, but at the same time, it attracts you. With Asian seasoning sprinkled in, this deep world is all written by herself.With her beautifully mysterious look, she might be your "bad and devilish one", whom you’ve dreamed of being played with…. (music axess)Beyond genre, mysterious music. It has a power of total expression including visual and the dance. The sound is so great that it reminds you of Kate Bush. (CD journal)
Record Label: MIDI Creative
Type of Label: Indie

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Live Shows Canceled

  ˆšUŒfD_å öné¤Öo S¿ okˆŠ­ãó»ëhjŠ~W_ 5/26 ; uÔÿ)“. SWITCH = 6/ 3k ; ã˜q tŒ_‰zkF~Df = 6/16 ; -îÒ }K = ¢ÂnjU~ÜôWf U‹jU~T÷Ñ’JKQW~Y,SkT“jUD sWDShoªÕ£·ã뵤ÈnÖí°n{Fg¢Ã×WfDM~YLéO©...
Posted by Ichinomiya Yoriko (Daija) on Sat, 17 May 2008 01:47:00 PST

Ichinomiya Yoriko LIVE ACOUSTIC


Posted by Ichinomiya Yoriko (Daija) on Thu, 01 May 2008 11:55:00 PST