Mell profile picture


Hope you enjoy my music :]

About Me

All of my tunes which are up here so far, are downloadable for free, on a Japanese Indies musicians' website called Muzie.
Click to listen to it, Click to download it. and Click to vote to it.
Although its written in Japanese, download counts will be a very good promotion, thanks for your support :]
+Age:22+100% Asian + Zodiac: Pisces + favorite color:blue+
"Welcome to be your friend."
Talk to me in Japanese or English please :']
曲を載せてる個人みたいなものですから友達 も大歓迎です!
プロフィール写真用に格好つけてますが、そ ういう感じの人間ではありません。
インスト音楽って言葉が無いから理解しにく いかもしれませんが、挿絵の無い小説の様に 自分から身を委ねてみると、 色々素敵なものが見えてくる音楽です。
僕が多重録音で作る音楽にもそういう思いを 込めています。
Since I listened to DEEP PURPLE 'made in japan', started playing guitar n composing.
2.4, 2006 Won a prize on the audition called 'GIT MASTERS 2005', at Tokyo 'shibuya club DUO' and met Paul Gilbert (ex.Mr.Big), Marty Friedman (ex.Megadeth), Takayoshi Ohmura, and small pictures of me appeared on a Japanese nation-wide magazine 'Young Guitar/ June, 2006' ..Then my tune 'Time in Mist' is suppose to be shown in some ways.. Im showing it here already though.
from August, 2006, to May 2007,
had been learning English in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, USA. and got some gig session jobs at some bars and stages. I've played the guitar at bars called: 'Buckners','California Juice Club',and 'Colonies' ..Not only shredding music, they brought a great chance to spread my musical varieties.
am now 21yo and trying to enter a grad school in USA..
Please promote Mell by putting one of those banners on your website...

My Interests


Member Since: 6/4/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Mell: guitars, basses, keyboards, drums programming. and sometimes violins
Ibanez Guitars
Schecter Guitar Research
Crews Maniac Sound(Japanese page)
Breedlove Guitars
BruceWeiArt Workshop(eBay store)

Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen, Sonata Arctica, Children of Bodom, , Nightwish, Impellitteri, Ron Thal, Kamelot, Adagio, Deep Purple, Angra, Yanni, Sound Horizon, Kotaro Oshio, Hiromi Uehara, Soil and ’Pimp’ sessions, Akino Arai, Ryo Mizutsuki, Akiko Shikata


(↑super Symphonic Metal Band)

(↑super Gothic Metal band)

(↑ultimate shredding album)
(↑Epic Melodic Metal from Poland)

(↑impressive Techno Metal band from Italy)

(↑You will feel as if you are watching an epic movie seriously.)

(↑amazing Melodic Metal from Taiwan)

(↑real 5 dimensional Progressive Metal)

Sounds Like: Instrumental Fantasia

Record Label: somebody hire me..
Type of Label: None

My Blog

two things

first:today i accepted 3 pages of friend request but could not check most of their pages probably because of myspace’s error..might be my i couldnt take enough time to check my new ...
Posted by Mell on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 12:34:00 PST

Sorry my friends (including my NEW friends)

well hello its been while since my last logginnow im swamped so bad and that keeps me away from composing etcdo i have enough time to communicate on myspace?maybe yes. but you know, not only physicall...
Posted by Mell on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 06:27:00 PST

My first Collaboration!

Hello folks, and a Happy new year :Dthen I would like to tell you what....My first collaboration with Brutal Death/Core band "Perverse" from Poland!Check their page by clicking the image below and ch...
Posted by Mell on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 02:08:00 PST


At first, Merry Christmas!This year, my christmas was suppose to be not a very happy one.the defference is that i have nobody to stay with.(here in japan, you usually stay with your lover)the only pre...
Posted by Mell on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 12:20:00 PST


JO‰D_a~W_(ÊÞoå,žgøM~Ynµo‡à›n!ULpŒ‹ngøKjDngYL) ÜýO ’òŒŒph c_nLMcKQgf [_OÕ;L ¬éó­ó°1MkjcfscOŠgY‹fOŒ_†U“,SkBŠLhFSn Þ¤¹Ú52,’ [ˆFhDddP@}\ [‹gg„chSkjŠ~W_----------------–KD³á óÈ’OŒ‹¹k º‹‰ZJPosted by Mell on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 07:32:00 PST

Practical Training!

Im teaching English (as a student teacher) at a high school, from this week on.i dont get used to my teacher was on his business trip and he just replaced me for his classes.he ask...
Posted by Mell on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 06:19:00 PST

entering my footmarks...

so you dont really have to read thats beside the point, oh yea my friend list number got 500 tonight its a record figure to me :Ohmm sweet, thank you all for good i have to b...
Posted by Mell on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:52:00 PST

people is a great band....MY LAST REGRET

You like female vocal featured heavy metal, blast beats, visual rock, goth style, beautiful images, or all the melodious music.those who like them, please check this band out.they absolutely rock and...
Posted by Mell on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 06:45:00 PST

my profile view reached 1000 :] :]

im so happy now coz my page has been seen by 1000 people since i made up this page...about 2 months ago.some add me just to promote them, some other say some good about my music or get along with me,...
Posted by Mell on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 12:27:00 PST

just a privaete inspiration

Just watched a TV program and unexpectedly...cried.lola dog is waiting for his master since an earthquake attacked their home.people have to live in temporary accomondations(prefab) which pets cannot ...
Posted by Mell on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:26:00 PST