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About Me

And furthermore........ "I'm like a begger with no luck; I'm holding signs up on your street-corner stops!"_________________Gwen. * I'm a superhero! I'm bi-racial, not bi-sexual. I'm short, but I'm also BIG. I am Japanese and white (a direct descendant of Queen Casseiapeia and King Cepheus of 300BC). * They say: "DUCK-GIRL is The Most Bangin' Superhero You've ever seen!" * MY POWERS: lifting 5 tons, thanks to prolonged exposure to the liquified god Triton, who lives in my wingpack disc. He can turn himself into little balls of water, we call POND PORTALS. These enable us to escape. I have life-long ninjutsu training to enhance my natural genetically superior abilities. Yes my mother was a human (mortal). Yes, greatgranddad, Arabus was human. Yes, granddad Cepheus and grandma Casseiapeia were human (mortals). But, granddad Cepheus was one of the first physicists of the 300's. He did experiments on mythological beasts and beings all the time. His experiments had to rub off on him eventually.It all began long ago, when my grandmother, Queen Casseiapeia opened her big mouth and insulted to gods by saying her daughter was as beautiful as Hera. Or was it Athena? Anyway, the gods weren't gonna have that type of blasphemy on their watch. So, what do they do? The go complain to Poseidon to take care of my mother, Andromeda. Mind you, she was only 13 at the time. I don't know why the goddesses always had Poseidon deal with the maidens they hated. When Zeus looked at a girl, Hera had her turned into a monster and tossed into the sea for Poseidon to sort them out. I don't know why he didn't just quit. Shoot, I've quit many jobs for less good reasons. Oh, yeah my mother was sent into the future where she met my dad (who will remain unnamed) and they had me. Well, back in the 300's the Nereid were supposed to tie mom to a rock or something and could not. So this god named Triton called his peeps the Oceanids who ran about 3,000 deep with werewipes. The bumbrushed the 50 Nereids and that should have been that. But, it wasn't. Today, the descendants of the Nereid are still trying to carry out Poseidon's orders. But instead of trying to kill my mother, now they have to deal with me. Good luck to them. They'll need it. Their descendant larva call themselves the K.R.A.K.E.N.

My Interests

IGN.com - Soul Calibur IV Character Unveiling
Add to My Profile | More VideosBanging BRIAN BONDURANT. Working for Bon-chan Z, as his maid. It is by-far the best job I've ever had. And, I've had many: I was a bartendar, gravure model, go-go dancer, martial arts tutor, personal trainer, spouse tracker (you know, an infidelity detective). You name it, I did it.BOWIE FOKKER/Star Spangled Brother; SOUND-MAN; RED LION; KINADU OTOMO - I still have his bike.; you know, hot guys (who aren't trying to kill me)Oh, yeah, and fighting crime.

I'd like to meet:

Sex Shooter
Add to My Profile | More Videos Janet Jackson, Madonna, Prince Bowie Fokker - #1 pop singer in the world, dad, my rich husband, ha! SOUND-MAN,Don Bluth.


Ska rap hip hop blues jazz rock Heart - Alone -(live)
mixtures and combination of metal, hip hop, etc. And of course, Janet Jackson.


NINJA SCROLL - Which Devil of Kimon are you?
Take the What Ninja Scroll Villain are you? test!Shaolin Soccer 2
Add to My Profile | More VideosAmerican Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Heroic Trio, Fong Sai Yuk, Drunken Master 2, House Party 2.


didn't have one. Some of ROBOTECH was good though. DOCTOR WHO, from TOM BAKER on to JOHN BARROWMAN?, lol. DRAGON'S LAIR. SPACE ACE. SECRET OF N.I.H.M.


Don't have time to read. I fight superhuman terrorists, man! Just kidding. I have read many books growing up."The Iliad" and Grimm's Fairy Tales (hint, hint)."The Apprentice" by Christine Griggs @ KUMATE WORKS & "Fortune's Passage." by KUMATE WORKSCrane reads their OTHER book, "Communion." I don't get into that occult crap. No, I never saw "A NIGHTMARE BEFORE X-MAS".


BRIAN R. BONDURANT {creator of BON COMICS}. Apollonia Kotera Janet Jackson. EVERY-WOMAN / Whitney Khan - former leader of BOMBARDERS. Master Wing, grandpa Cepheus, Sensei Sean. Bill Clinton. Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung, Anita Mui, Michelle Yeoh, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee, Fredrick Douglass, Anastasia (the animated heroin), and Steve Carell

My Blog

GreyFox vs qUiLL

GreyFox vs qUiLL Some nights, you just wanna sweep out your garage while wearing your favorite thong.................... I mean, 2 piece bikini, minding your own business, when WHAMM! Out...
Posted by DISTRACTING DUCK-GIRL on Fri, 23 May 2008 10:08:00 PST

Check out this video: M.U.G.E.N Mortal Kombat Theme

Check out this video: M.U.G.E.N Mortal Kombat Theme ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by DISTRACTING DUCK-GIRL on Fri, 23 May 2008 05:10:00 PST

Showing my boobs at the end of a date.

I know what you're gonna say.  Huh?! But, let's face it, at the end of a date, a guy really doesn't just want a kiss.  But, ladies can't just give it away, now.  We have to take steps t...
Posted by DISTRACTING DUCK-GIRL on Wed, 07 May 2008 11:29:00 PST

DUCK-GIRL & CRANE episode 1 (almost done)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg2i1quEETI DUCK-GIRL and CRANE protect otaku at Comiket's Tokyo Big Site! The K.R.A.K.E.N. get more than they bargained for when the fuzz show up in the form...
Posted by DISTRACTING DUCK-GIRL on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:45:00 PST

Bump what Crane thinks: STAR WARS is > LOTR!

The Top 5 Reasons Crane is a tool. Sorry, I mean, the top 5 Reasons why STAR WARS is better than Lord of the Rings. {And I don't care if SW is in 6 parts and LOTR is in like 19hrs.}: Reason 1. &n...
Posted by DISTRACTING DUCK-GIRL on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:09:00 PST

"Between the 2 of us. . . we make A good Ninja!"

MASTER WING was killed, before we could finish our training.  We both have 9 skill-sets between us: MINE: 1 unarmed combat 2 stick & staff 3 spear fighting 4 naginata fighting 5 disguise/imp...
Posted by DISTRACTING DUCK-GIRL on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 02:52:00 PST


1 Regent Ruin fought the ALPHA FOUR.The rest of this will be told in  code:2 the S.I.B.Y.Ls pledges vs   the Certified Pre-owned K.R.A.K.E.N.3 someone will carry his dead girlfriend and...
Posted by DISTRACTING DUCK-GIRL on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 08:37:00 PST

Godmother: IZANAMI - mother of 35 gods!

IZANAMI died when she gave birth to the god of fire.  He was her 35th child. She was pregnant by the Chinese god of warriors, BISHAMON. Some of her children are/were: Demeter Hera Artemis At...
Posted by DISTRACTING DUCK-GIRL on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 08:47:00 PST

DUCK-GIRL & CRANE: spoiler / comic production guide:

If you want to wait for the web comic, do NOT read this list: EPISODE:    WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN (ok, just who): 1           ;  &n...
Posted by DISTRACTING DUCK-GIRL on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 12:38:00 PST

Guys who can't get ANY from DUCK-GIRL EVER!!!!!!!!!

SORRY, but guys on this list can't loosen DUCK-GIRL's buttons under no circumstances: 1 Captain Jack Sparrow 2           ; Agent 007 3   ...
Posted by DISTRACTING DUCK-GIRL on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 09:24:00 PST