プãƒãƒ•ã‚£ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã«è¿½åŠ ã™ã‚‹ | ã‚‚ã£ã¨è¦‹ã‚‹My hav..ng been awakened to mus..c ..n the days of a jun..or h..gh student...t plays a p..ano by a school fest..val ..n the days of a jun..or h..gh school th..rd grader for the f..rst t..me. Th..s t..me becomes the f..rst stage... part..c..pate ..n a welfare ..nst..tut..on ..n Sapporo-sh.. and a hosp..tal by a keyboard performance as volunteer act..v..ty ..n the days of 17 years old. .. come to be ..nterested ..n a f..eld of the welfare as well as mus..c at th..s t..me...n 2005, .. form N..ghtr..ders w..th an acqua..ntance. .. appear to a br..dge of a l..ve house. .. am d..ssolved ..mmed..ately.Afterwards of back band of other bands come to part..c..pate...n 2006, .. part..c..pate ..n back band of kman. .. appear to a br..dge of a l..ve house tw..ce. .. beg..n solo act..v..ty ..n the back, but .. feel doubt ..n ab..l..ty of one's vocal..st and stop l..ve broadcast..ng act..v..ty... started act..v..ty aga..n now! .. powered ..t up from unt..l now when .. appear ..n l..ve broadcast..ng and w..ll power ..t up from now on! .. want masak.. yamada ..n the future to expect ..t.  ã€ã€ã€ã€ã€ã€ã€ã€‚        〠€ã€€ã€€kman l..ve 2006
プãƒãƒ•ã‚£ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã«è²¼ã‚Šä»˜ã‘ã‚‹ | ã‚‚ã£ã¨è¦‹ã‚‹A theme of Harr..s was the best and went to the second place by town Kawasak.. contest of mus..c ..n 2006. ..t decl..nes to the twelfth place afterwards,..
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