Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.commy name is YOKO. I LOVE meeting new people and making good relationships with them. I HATE discriminations and words without hears. LOVE connects people.
although I am not mean girl, I do every things which I want to do. in the way, I got many successes.
I would say I like to challenge something new things. I always try to expand my indivisuals.
this summer, I will attend an american university in california. give me some infomations of it.
if u r interested in me, u can send me messages.
mon nom est yoko. J'aime rencontrer de nouveaux gens et des faisant bons rapports avec eux.
J'esp?re que je serai capable de parler fran?ais. mon professeur fran?ais est kiko* ;)
mi nombre es el yoko.Yo amo encontr?ndose nuevas personas y las relaciones buenas haciendo con ellos.Yo estudi? espa?ol un poco, pero era dif?cil. Yo pienso que yo tengo muchos error en las frases** d?game!!!
Yo amo Espa?a...